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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can someone clarify Friedrich Nietzsche's views for me?

Question: Can someone clarify Friedrich Nietzsche's views for me!?
A lot of things Nietzsche is quoted saying contradict themselves and I'm a little confused as to what he does believe!.

So here are my questions:

What are Nietzsche's views on God!? Does he believe or not!? Why or why not!?

Is he anti-semetic or not!? Why do some people believe he is!?

If he does believe in God, what is his religion!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nietzsche certainly didn't believe in the Christian idea of God - but he believed in certain forms of transcendental experience, such as the ecstatic state one achieves when dancing and singing!.* He was more interested in the power that man can create himself by exerting his will on the world (he called this "The Will to Power", incidentally)*!. But to answer your question simply, no, he did not believe in God!.

I can't say with confidence whether he was anti-Semitic or not, but if the typical views of his nationality and class are any guide, I'd venture to say that he probably was!. I don't notice it prominently in his philosophy, though!.

As I said above, his theory of the "will to power" was probably the closest thing he had to a religion!. He considered Western religion the great propagator of the "slave mentality", wherein subservience and weakeness are praised as the greatest virtues, as opposed to the ancient "master mentality", wherein glory and strength are the greatest virtues!.

His earlier writings tend to be more spiritual and life-affirming, while his mature works are darker and less hopeful!.


Nietzsche is what we would call a nihilist, meaning there is no "why" to be answered; all is meaningless and, consequently, valueless!. No, he did not believe in God; on the contrary, he believed man should "kill God" in order to face the fact that we are in this world without the solace offered to us by an omniscient, omni-bonus (all good), omnipotent being!. Cold and harsh, if you ask me!. I can't speak to the allegations of anti-semitism, but it wouldn't surprise me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In Nietzsche's "Twilight of the Idols", he expresses that God is merely a human creation in order to deal with guilt!. So, no, he does not believe in God!. Like the previous person said, he is a nihilist!. Concerning his anti-semitism!.!.!. it's been a while since I've had a philosophy class, but I do recall my professor discussing this!. It is possible that Nietzsche was anti-semitic!. His sister certainly was, and due to her editing some of his work, she could have made them appear more anti-semitic than they really were!. Www@QuestionHome@Com