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Question: Georgia Nicholson series!.!.!.
I have just read the 'stop in the name of pants' book for the 5th time (!)

Does anyone know if there is another book planned !?

I am going mad!. I need more georgia !!

Yeah i am slightly obbsessed lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
there has to be another book!. she needs to get with dave the laugh!. and it looks like some more stuff with robbie could happen because of the things he said to her throughout the book!.

don't worry!. i am going mad too!. you're not the only one!. i love love these books!. they're hilarious!. btw, its a little nippy noodles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


according to here there are already 98 books out!

or here

Those are awesome books!. lol!. they're soooo funny!. i'm not sure if there's another one planned or not but have you read all of them or just that one!? because it is a series!. Www@QuestionHome@Com