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Question: Why are people so Buzzed about Twilight!? (Twilight lovers please don't answer)
Ya'll mite get mad at me but anyways, what is the big deal about Breaking Dawn!? Its another friggin book to her series!. I read em, I've read em all and like em, but im not so super hyped about it! I am Team edward and all but every single question on Y!A now is Twilight this and Twilight that, COME ON!. Yea, I asked a couple o' questions 2 but whats the big deal!? have ya'll ever herd of another big series, yea, its called harry potter!. whatever happened to harry potter!?
anyways, I do still like twilight, no friggin doubt, but whats the big deal, thats my question!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Don't worry!. Where I live, HP is just as big as ever!. Most people here laugh at Twilight!.

I don't mind Twilight questions if they are actually questions!. But the repetitive ones-- "Edward or Jake!?", "Who is excited for Breaking Dawn!?!", "Who like luvz 3dward!?!", etc-- are extremely annoying!.

I personally don't think BD is going to live up to everyone's expectations!. I think there are going to be a lot of fans disappointed with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haha, are you asking the non-Twilighters why the Twilighters like the series!? xD

I have no idea what the big deal is!. I imagine they probably get excited to read a well-anticipated book, just as you might for Harry Potter!. Even though you enjoy the Twilight series, perhaps you just don't like it enough to go insane (thank goodness)!. I don't find any reason to go to the lengths that they are all going, asking repeated questions every five minutes, but I suppose that's what happens when stubborn people get excited!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

same here, but seriously, if you put on your question "no twilight lovers answer" well hello, course they are going to answer it

the big deal is that people are getting pulled into the love story, the book is intense, yet they aren't shoving sex down your throat, thats what makes it age appropriate, and people like it better that way!. myself includedWww@QuestionHome@Com

okae i know you said twilight lovers dont answer but then who would you expect to answer!? only people that dont like it!?
anyway i'm just really happy because i dont like to read too much and that series is good!. its just the way she words things and the details she puts in it!. some people like it and some dont!. so im not mad at you!. its your opinion!. i just dont like when people talk hella crap!. when all they have to say is they dont like it!. its that simple!. =]

and i do like harry potter also!. im excited for the next movie coming out november 21st!
Half blood prince! woot woot!


HP just insnt the newest gossip!. BD is, and will be probably until of January!. It is just gossip and def somethng to talk about! I LOVE Twilight!. I am on Team Edward!. Anyways Twilight will be really famous for awhile!.!.not trying to be rude, but you got to get used to it! Lol, no offence though! So yeah!.!.!.!.!.we just LOVE it! Were Twilighters!!


I completely with all my heart hate that book that book is boring, and really!.
It is just a stupid book with stupid characters and all the fan girls are just pissing me off!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone is just really excited,that's all!.
And every time a Twilight lover puts no Twilight haters,we still get Twilight haters!.

Yeah it's not that big of a deal to me either, but I've been dying to finish this series of books for foreverWww@QuestionHome@Com

:O I was wondering the same thing!!! I don't see why its such a big deal!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

How do you expect to get a straight answer if you wont let us talk!? That's like saying, "Why are republicans against women!? (republicans please dont answer)
The last Harry Potter book came out last summer!. Obviously theres nothing but the movies to look forward to now!. All the discussion is basically over!. Thats what happened to Harry Potter!. That's whats going to happen to Twilight very soon!.
I agree that the twihards can be annoying as heck with their clogging up the books section, but you're asking for hate with this question!.
You said you like it, but lots of people LOVE it!. Thats why the hype is there!. Www@QuestionHome@Com