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Question: Twilight, another Anne Rice!?
So I guess I'm late to the game cause I've only just heard about Twilight in the past few months!. The more I hear about it the more it sounds like a rip off of the Anne Rice's vampires series!. I've only read Interview with the Vampire and part of Lestat!. I enjoyed IwtV, but it was a little too!.!.!. how do I say this!.!.!. too much internal monologue!. Lots of talking about obsession with each other and yada yada!.

Is this more or less what Twilight is like, but for a younger generation!? I feel like it's a huge rip off!. Am I wrong!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think that they have so much in common!.!.!. just that there are vampires in both series!.!.!.!. Anne Rice's writing is for an older generation, it was much more details and the story is more in depth!.!.!. Twilight is more for young adults, reluctant readers, fantasy fans!.!.

I'm 25 years old, and i read The vampire Lestat and Twilight series in the last three months and they are not alike at all

In my opinion, I enjoyed Twilight far more than the Vampire LestatWww@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is not even comparable to Anne Rice; her books are hands down better!.
I don't even want to think about it!.

also, Lestat changes his mother into a vampire, does he not!? Though, they seem in love!. (I think in the Vampire Lestat) This seems similar to Bella and Edward, for them to be vampires to be together forever, though I'm sure they aren't the only books!. I had another one but I forgot :x I'll write once again when I remember! Though, I'm not sure about the rip off part!. Hmm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is up with Twilight!? Why is everyone getting obsessed over it!? If they're for younger teenagers then let them gloat and swoon over the stories that happen to have love as a main attribute!. I myself would prefer Anne Rice's versions anyday!. I'd advise you to do the same, unless you want to be in a group of raging hormone teenage girls!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No more than Rice ripped off Stoker!. Or Stoker ripped off John Polidori and so on and so on until you have this caveman chilling with his homies telling them all about how this bat tried to freaking kill him, and it had fangs and teeth like this! EEP EEP! !.!.!.!. yeah like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My cousin said the exact same thing!.
There wear a lot of similar comparisons with Twilight and Anne Rice's novels!.

By the way,I love twilight-more then Anne Rice's novels!.That is just what my cousin told me!.

God no! Anne Rice is a billion times better!. Twilight is badly written fluff, and when people see what is coming up in the last book, they are going to be very upset!. Stick with Anne!. Pax-C Www@QuestionHome@Com

No It's definetly NOT a rip off!. Yes Both Are about vampires a stuff, but the styles and plots are completely different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's a BIG difference and it's easy to spot!. Anne Rice can actually write!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would not suggest reading twilight!. You will become obsessed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com