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Question: Breaking Dawn Party/ Wristbands!?
my friends and i are going to the party at barnes and nobles and the lady said they are handing out wristbands at 6pm!. i already preorderd the book thru amazon so i wont be buying one at midnight!. are the wristbands only for the people who are waiting to pick up their book or is it to get into the party as well, cuz im really only there for the party


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is for the people who want a book so that they can get it when they hand them out first its basically a way for the employees to know that you didn't just walk in at midnight and get the first book while there were people standing around in their store since 6pm waiting on it and then ending up not getting one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I will have to contradict"Lacy" and say that you are allowed to go and get a wristband as soon as the store opens and then return at midnight and still be in front of the line!.
Seems fair enough to me!.!.!.some people don't want to go to the party!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, anyone can go to the party!. It's inside the book store!. What would they do!? Say 'Oh, you don't have a wrist band, we're going to stop you from going in our store and possibly buying anything'Www@QuestionHome@Com

how much are they selling the book for!?Www@QuestionHome@Com