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Question: Breaking Dawn Party!.!.!.Should I wear it!?
So I am going to the Breaking Dawn party tonight at Borders and I already called the store ahead of time and there is no theme to the costumes!.!.!.I was thinking about wearing this blue dress I have to match the prom outfit Bella wears!. It's light blue and goes down to the floor!.!.!.Not sure if this is too over the top though!? Cuz I would have to wear heels with it, but I'd leave my hair down!.!.!. What do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
that sounds really pretty! go for it!

and just in case you get there and everyone is wicked casual and you feel overdressed, just bring a change of clothes in your purse!


It definitely won't be over the top!. The flier I got for a Borders release party says you are welcome to dress as a character or in prom attire!. So your outfit sounds perfect!. And don't worry about being looking out of place, because chances are that everyone else is going to be dressing up, too!. Have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im supposed to go tonight!.!. I think!.!.!. I am only in chapter 2 of the first book so I have no idea!.!.!. But I would think that a prom dress is a little much!.!. But I have no idea, Im still trying to get into this!.!.!. Highschool drama!.!.!. I have been out for like 4 years so I cant really relate to highschool anymore!.!.!. SO GOOD LUCK!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i guess anything bElla -like would work!. have fun

*tear tear tear tear* im only on chapter 6 =[

and i can even buy that book!. =[

good luck and have fun =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds good to meWww@QuestionHome@Com