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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Are there any girl twilighter attracted to rose alice or esme?

Question: Are there any girl twilighter attracted to rose alice or esme!?
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Alice is my dream girl!. <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

a) I'm not a Twilighter by any means but I have read the books and I have to say that if I were to fictionally hook up with any of the characters it would be Jasper or Alice!.

b) That is like asking why do straight guys need a mate when they can just masturbate!. Physical contact with another human being is more pleasurable and as necessary as it is for heterosexual people!.


"also why do lesbians need a mate when they can just touch them selfs"

!.!.!.I hope you're kidding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I think with Edward in the book, its hard to be attracted to any one else!.!.Other than Jacob of course!.


no!. i mean i think they are pretty but not like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com