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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Harry Potter or Twilight? Which is a better book in every way?

Question: Harry Potter or Twilight!? Which is a better book in every way!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Harry Potter wins, hands down!.

Stephenie Meyer is an amateur author!. There are plot holes all over the place in Twilight!. The characters seem two-dimensional, there is absolutely no character development (except for Jacob), the relationships between the characters are either shallow or unhealthy, the plot is basically non-existent, the writing is AWFUL, and the message sucks!. Twilight doesn't make you think at ALL!. It has no literary value!. It's just a fluff read-- a chick flick in novel form!. And Twilight almost exclusively appeals to young teenage girls!. Twilight, in other words, is a piece of crap!. It's just a stupid book!. Bella is a boring, whiny, obsequious, backstabbing, hypocritical, annoying, helpless, snot-faced Mary Sue!. Edward is a future spousal abuser!. He's a controlling, flower-speeched, overbearing, obsessive, overprotective, arrogant, pretentious, posessive jackass!.

JKR isn't an expert author, but she's MUCH better than Smeyer!. The plot is AWESOME and there are very few plot holes!. All of the characters rock-- they all seem so lifelike!. Other than the magic thing, they seem realistic!. JKR literally created a new, functioning WORLD with minimal plot holes-- not a lot of authors can do that!. The writing is pretty good, the message of the series is awesome, the series actually makes you think, and they are filled with suspense and unexpected turns!. They are much more complex and descriptive than Twilight is!. Harry Potter also has a universal appeal-- people of all ages and genders like it!. They are meant for children, but thousands of adults enjoy them as well!.

Harry Potter is MUCH more unique than Twilight!. Twilight is just a rip off of Romeo and Juliet-- "Forbidden love"!. There is absolutely nothing unique about her books!. Harry Potter isn't anything like LOTR or Star Wars-- yeah, they have some things in common, but not a lot!.

Harry Potter is much better, hands down!. Twilight doesn't even deserve to be compared with picture books, let alone Harry Potter! It's insulting that people can think Twilight is better!.

Harry Potter is the kind of series that will be remember for a long time, whereas no one will even remember who Edward Cullen is twenty years from now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well!.!.!.i like the harry potter movies but the books r the oppisite!. I mean harry potter describes the story in 3rd person and twilight has it in 1st person wich makes alot more sense for younger people to understand!. For me TWILIGHT!!! is the best book ive ever read since i cried in every book!. People shouldnt say screw this or screw that its rude!. just give an honest answer!. Twilight typically has a better storyline!. I mean Twilight lifted my spirits when one of my family members passed away!. Twilight!!! was based on a dream of stephanie meyer you dont get that these days!. Twilight has alot of action (edward fighting james and victoria)
drama, sadness, happines, comedy, schoollife, and secret life!. To me TWILIGHT IS THE BEST!!!! (please dont hate me hp fans one of my friends r already beating me up just for reading twilight!.!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Did you seriously just ask this in response to that Twilight question!? Seriously!?

Be real!. It doesn't matter!. Both have good qualities and bad qualities!. Both are within the fantasy genre and have been wildly successful with the younger crowd!.

That is the ONLY comparison that can be made!. There is no reason to compare them!. Seriously, none!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

although i do love twilight!.!.!.
harry potter totally owns over all of the fantasy series that have ever existed!.
i have read the whole thing tweleve times through!.

cuz i am just a dork that way!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry Potter by way way far!. I've never heard of Twilight but I'm sure it's dumb and doesn't even compare to Harry Potter!. In fact nothing ever does!.Harry Potter's like a world wide novel series and is like totally awesome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

see that 'search for questions' bar up there!? Type in this exact question, and you'll will see TONS of the same exact question! I know, amazing!. Okay click on one and see their answers!. There, does that answer your question!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why would you ask that!? That's asked everywhere you could have saved points and i love twilight harry potter sucks big time and i don't care if i get best answer or not i gave my opinionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Harry Potter! Harry Potter! Harry Potter!
Yeah, that's me!

There are a lot of questions with this discussion!. Please look them up so we don't have to keep typing the same thing over and over again!.

Thank you


Without a doubt, Harry Potter!. Stephenie Meyer needs to buy a thesaurus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry Potter!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry potter :DWww@QuestionHome@Com


Harry Potter!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry Potter it has a better plot and less drama (well sorta)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry Potter, hands down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

retarded @ss questionWww@QuestionHome@Com

twilight n the fourth book comes out on sat @ midnight, yayWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like both of them :0]Www@QuestionHome@Com

that is definently a hard one, and i cannot make that decision for you!. my favorite is twilight although harry potter is right behind!. but you can't really base our opinions on what you decide!. so good luck!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight hands down!. I mean, I love Harry Potter but I still love Twilight more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

TWILIGHT ALLL THE WAY!. harry potter sucks and aint got nothin on TWILIGHT!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

TWILLIGHT!!!- dont get me wrong i love hary potter but still TWILLIGHT BABY!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I could never decided I would rather die then choose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

twilight!. the endWww@QuestionHome@Com

god i have to say twilight but I love Hp too!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ugh!.!.!.dont make me choose =]Www@QuestionHome@Com