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Question: Twilight VS Harry Potter!?!?
What do you think people!?

Harry Potter
Its just a woman narrating the story of a teen wizard that just cannot die because he's got super powers and has to beat a dark wizard in the end!. WOW end of the story!. It sockz!. It really does!. Did you know Jk!. Rowling went to six book publishing companies that denied to publish it first!? Well, I agree with them!. It's just a teen wizard with problems, why does dubledore and everyone be soo obessed with protecting 'him'!. Doesn't sound logic at all!. I read a lot, and to be honest, I've tried a reasonable times to read Harry Potter!. I read 30 pages and just cannot stand it!. Its so boring!.

Compared to Twilight!. I just CAN'T stop reading Twilight even if it's 3 in the morning!. I can read for hours until I finish it and I want MORE!. And yes it may be true that HP wins twilight on sales, BECAUSE it has been out for many more years and has 7 books, not 3 and its got 5 movies, duh!. A bet that Breaking Dawn will beat that new 'HP novel that just came out' in sales when it comes out!. And I can Bet that Twilight will beat HP in sales of everything when the movie and Midnight Sun come out!. Twilight is the most original vampire love story I've read!. HP is just cr-ap taken out of LotR (that is amazing!! JRR Tolkien is one of the best authors! :D) and Star Wars!.

Now, have you ever felt this way about something everyone in the world seems to love , and you just say "man, how can they like this sh*t!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Harry Potter isn't bad it's just a book for everyone Twilight is mostly girls and it's still close to out beating Harry Potter!. It doesn't matter anyway Twilight will kick butt when they let out the Twilight movie a week after Harry Potter!.They weren't really fair with the Twilight movie, Harry Potter is so much like the book and Twilight they completely killed!.Harry Potter stinks and Twilight is awesome so I don't care I just don't watch the movie and stick to the book!.Team Switzerland!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've tried reading harry potter several times, and never got into it!. But twilight, I loved from the very first chapter :) I think twilight will be big (not that it's not HUGE already) after the movies start coming out!.

I completely understand what you're saying, people made harry potter sound like the best book in the world, but I just don't see it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

HP is on a whole other level from Twilight!. I'm sorry, but JK Rowling is quite simply a *much* better writer than Ms!. Meyer, in terms of creating complex characters and a believable fictional world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no comparison!. Both of the series are amazing and absolutely different in every way!. We just happened to stumble upon two brilliant authors!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry I'm an Edward girl **** Harry!! I am obsessed with Twilight series and Harry Potter is more for little kids and the twilight series is so much more matureWww@QuestionHome@Com

i like them both
but i have a soft spot for twilight

plus did u know stephenie got 9 denials before little brown published her booksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Are you kidding me!? There are some parts where Twilight can be really boring!. I mean I like Twilight but I'm just saying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry potter is the very best, but nothing compairs to The Series of Unfortunate EventsWww@QuestionHome@Com

One thing the new HP from JK is beating Breaking Dawn on the amazon pre-order listing and it has been out for one day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its Harry Potters Birthday today!

I pick HP :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree

twilight is better but hp is also as good


Amazon bestseller's, updated hourly
1!. Tales of Beedle the Bard, standard edition - $7!.59
2!. Tales of Beedle the Bard, collector's edition - $100
3!. Breaking Dawn - $12!.64

Oh, and Twilight really isn't as original as you think!. But to each their own!. :)

EDIT: I myself prefer Harry Potter!. The characters seem better to me!. Not to mention it's more exciting!. But they're two separate genres!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, do your research before you ask a question!. Looking at book sales statistics, Twilight isn't even near Harry Potter!. On Amazon!.com the sales for The Tales of Beetle the Bard by JKR is ahead of Breaking Dawn- so you are incorrect!. And Twilight is not original AT ALL!. Bella is a pathetic, submissive, "damsel-in-distress" that bases her entire existence on guys!. Edward is a manipulating, over-dramatic creep!. The characters in Harry Potter have good qualities, and HP is way more well-written!. JKR has created a whole new world with realistic characters, while SM has created a cliche effed up love story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry Potter and Twilight may both be within the fantasy genre, but are completely unrelated otherwise!.

HP is plot-centered and Twilight is more character-centered!. Think about it - people read HP for the adventure and Twilight for ZOMG EDWARD!!?!!!.

Twilight will never truly be better than Harry Potter simply because Rowling's writing simply has more quality than Meyer's!. I'm not a Twilight hater, but neither am I obsessed with the books (I'm a Twitard hater)!.

Please, this point is completely irrelevant!. Just because the two series are within the fantasy genre and have been successful does not mean there is a need to compare them!. Please just accept them both as successful works and don't try to tarnish either one!.

P!.S!. If you think Harry Potter is boring, there is something wrong with you!. I agree, the first book is not my favorite, but if you read it in its entirety (the first couple of chapters are solely for story setup, be real), it is a good work!. Not the best ever written, but still good!. The last two books are my favorite, and are much more developed than the first few books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh dear Zues!. I'm going to pretend I didn't read that!.

Harry Potter wins, hands down!.

Stephenie Meyer is an amateur author!. There are plot holes all over the place in Twilight!. The characters seem two-dimensional, there is absolutely no character development (except for Jacob), the relationships between the characters are either shallow or unhealthy, the plot is basically non-existent, the writing is AWFUL, and the message sucks!. Twilight doesn't make you think at ALL!. It has no literary value!. It's just a fluff read-- a chick flick in novel form!. And Twilight almost exclusively appeals to young teenage girls!. Twilight, in other words, is a piece of ****!. It's just a stupid book!. Bella is a boring, whiny, obsequious, backstabbing, hypocritical, annoying, helpless, snot-faced Mary Sue!. Edward is a future spousal abuser!. He's a controlling, flower-speeched, overbearing, obsessive, overprotective, arrogant, pretentious, posessive jackass!.

JKR isn't an expert author, but she's MUCH better than Smeyer!. The plot is AWESOME and there are very few plot holes!. All of the characters rock-- they all seem so lifelike!. Other than the magic thing, they seem realistic!. JKR literally created a new, functioning WORLD with minimal plot holes-- not a lot of authors can do that!. The writing is pretty good, the message of the series is awesome, the series actually makes you think, and they are filled with suspense and unexpected turns!. They are much more complex and descriptive than Twilight is!. Harry Potter also has a universal appeal-- people of all ages and genders like it!. They are meant for children, but thousands of adults enjoy them as well!.

Harry Potter is MUCH more unique than Twilight!. Twilight is just a rip off of Romeo and Juliet-- "Forbidden love"!. There is absolutely nothing unique about her books!. Harry Potter isn't anything like LOTR or Star Wars-- yeah, they have some things in common, but not a lot!.

Harry Potter is much better, hands down!. Twilight doesn't even deserve to be compared with picture books, let alone Harry Potter! It's insulting that people can think Twilight is better!.

Harry Potter is the kind of series that will be remember for a long time, whereas no one will even remember who Edward Cullen is twenty years from now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't agree with your "description" of Harry Potter at all!. The only thing that doesn't sound logical is your way of describing the series!. But then again, I don't think what you said under Twilight is correct either!. I just don't see how it could beat out Deathly Hallows, which was highly anticipated by all ages and genders alike!.

So I guess I'd have to say I enjoy Harry Potter more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hp is crap!?

There's tons of better written stories about vampire/human romance that came out before Twilight was even thought of!. The books are stupid and badly written!.

Say whatever you want, but only numbers matter!. And Breaking Dawn sucks big time, I just read it!. HP has made more book sales and twilight will never come close to it's success!. HP is a legend!.

Twilight is romance, the so called action in it is horrific!. And every teenage girl is a sucker for romance!.

Hp is so much more complex, more plot, and you can tell how much effort she put into it!. It took her 17 years - and the outcome was amazing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com