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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Where did this jacob getting bella pregent from?

Question: Where did this jacob getting bella pregent from!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Never happened!. People are twisting a scene that happened in the leaked chapters of (what people are claiming is) Breaking Dawn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Breaking Dawn--
Oh god!. Get over yourself!. Obviously Jake didn't get Bella pregnant in the first three books!. Anyone with any ounce of common sense is going to realize that this question is about BD, since Jake getting Bella preggers hasn't happened in any of the books yet and BD is getting released soon!.

Supposedly, Edward gets Bells pregnant, then he decides that to make the baby less vampirey, so he asks Jake to have sex with Bella, to make it less vampirey!. I dunno!. The whole Jake getting Bella pregnant thing sounds like poppycock to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


People ruined the book for me, if Bella gets pregnant, I'm jumping off my grandmother's balcony, that way it'll be written in stone that Stephenie Meyer ruined a lot of people's lives!.

Okay, to answer the question, I wish that Bella chose Jacob and got Bella pregnant but that's clearly not going to happen!.

Since some people claim (a lot do) that they have read Breaking Dawn and if the spoilers turn out to be true (I hope those of you who posted **** choke) then Meyer's career is over!.

We all know that Edward wouldn't let Bella have sex with Jacob and Meyer said she wouldn't split them up, ever, so it's a lie!. Bella cannot get pregnant (Unless she chooses Mike!.!.!. eww, or Jake, which is not happening, sadly)

So don't believe anything people say because they're all assholes for spoiling it anyway!. It's better to wait and see!. It's highly unlikely that she'll get pregnant and Jacob will imprint on her daughter though, and as I stated before, MEYER'S CAREER WILL BE OVER if she pulls something like that!.

I hope not, Steph is my favorite author!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are going to post a spoiler then, please post it IN the question, not in the question box!. You probably just ruined the book for alot of people!. I hope your soul gets taken :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

well since edward cant get bella pregnant and people are assuming bella gets pregnant then the father must be jacobWww@QuestionHome@Com

I also heard that Jacob imprints on the baby!.
So he would be imprinting on his own kid!.
Go figure were people get crap like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You guys!.!.!.!.Bella turns into a vampire in BD and as you guys know VAMPIRES CANNOT HAVE CHILDRENWww@QuestionHome@Com

*pregnant Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought people were saying edward got her pregent Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lol pergent XD

He does not btw!. It's from the spoilers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com