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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Are there any topics/ideas that have truly never before been used in a piece of

Question: Are there any topics/ideas that have truly never before been used in a piece of writing!?
I’m asking this question just out of curiosity…I have seen a lot of discussions and comments on Yahoo! Answers about whether or not the ideas in certain books/writings are original and never before used!. Honestly, though, I find it hard to think of topics/ideas/matter that have never, in some way, shape, or form, been used in at least one piece of writing!. After thinking about it, it seems that nearly every possible type of setting, character, issue/conflict, adventure/journey, and even item/object has in some way been used in a piece of writing!. There’s nothing really wrong with that, per se, and all it means is that originality has to come from a person’s writing style, imagination, ability to put a new twist on things, etc!.!.!.

Still, though, can any of you think of anything that has never been used in a book/novel/story!? And I mean something that has never before been used in any type of writing, including a children's story, a short story, a poem, a novel/book!.!.!.Whether it be a type of character, a specific conflict/issue, or any other aspect of writing, can anyone think of an idea that has truly never been used in the realm of literature!?

Any ideas are welcome!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Thematically speaking, I can't imagine anything that hasn't been covered at least once!. You're right, originality must now come from personal refinement of thought and stylistic skill!.

That being said, there's always the chance that technology will develop so rapidly that it may give us wholly new experiences and ideas to write about!. SF writers should be very excited!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no!. That would be impossible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com