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Question: A Great and Terrible Beauty question concerning Pippa!. AGTB Spoilers!!!!
I have not read Rebel Angels, but please don't spoil it for me!.
When Pippa eats the berries, does anyone else see it as she is committing suicide because she does not want to marry her fiance!? She is not exactly dead, she is alive in the realms, but she is dead in the "real" world!. Opinions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well what she does is in fact commiting suicide!. But she does not feel that way at the time, because she feels more alive in the realms then she does in the real world where she would have to be miserable!. Her logic at the time is that by eating the berries she is actually choosing to live happy forever, and not die instead!. She killed herself whether she was being logical or not, and that is a fact!.

p!.s!. the stories get even better, keep reading, they are amazing=DWww@QuestionHome@Com

That is exactly what she was doing when she ate the Berry, committing suicide, she knew what the berries would do to her, but ate tham to escape!. Pippa is dead, the realms is the between place you go when you die, from there you cross over into the place beyond, or you can choose to stay in the realms, but if you stay too lond it can cause you to become a corrupt winterland creature!. You should definantly read Rebels Angels, but I got A Sweet and Far Thing the day it came out, and it is still sitting in my shelf, I only ever could force myself to read halway through it, to me it was wastful, and definantly not worth the moneyh, but I loved the first 2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, she doesn't want to marry Mr!. Bumble- she would rather live in the realms!. She is fed up with being controlled all of her life so she eats the berries!. I kind of wish Gemma would've stopped her though!. Enjoy reading Rebel Angels and The Sweet Far Thing- they're the best!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nop no one sees her eating the berry's expect Gemma
when you become part of the reals you die en the real world
that's the way I see it
I have not read the 3 but Its orders I should arrive any time
Love the books Www@QuestionHome@Com

these are really good books, some like them better than twilight, and thats a big deal!. so i won't tell you anything, but be prepared for some amazing books!Www@QuestionHome@Com