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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know anything about Acheron the 12 dark hunter book?

Question: Does anyone know anything about Acheron the 12 dark hunter book!?
can anyone give me a clue as to who he ends up with!? any spoiler innfo would be nice cuz i dont know if he ends up with artie!. if yes then i will not read the book!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He doesn't end up with "The Heifer Cow" (God i love Simi)!. I know this because if Sherrilyn did do that she would most probably be eatin by Simi!.

On a serious note, on her website she says that the girl who Ash ends up with is in the book "The Dream Hunter", you just have to figure out who it is!.

I have an idea of who I think it is and if i'm right she is also in another book "Dream Chaser" but not as a character as such but as a discribed victim =( I hope its her but not if that makes sense because what happens to her in "Dream Chaser" is just horrible!! (That is if i'm right!. I could be completley off the mark)

Can't wait!! Not long to go now!!

Ps!. not sure if you know but Ashs book is going to go over 2 books not just 1, so we might not even "meet" the girl till the 2nd book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com