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Question: Short Story Inspiration
inspiration not the whole plot or anything, i just want a sentence or phrase a paragragh maybe if you feel like it, something inspiring or strange that you wana hear in a story, cuz i wana write itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Usually I'd either not answer this type of question or tell the asker to try to come up with their own idea!. However, since I've sort of done this before, I'll attempt to help!. I have no idea what I'm about to write, though, and I might get carried away lol!. So here you go:

The wind formed slowly!. It began as a light breeze, cold but comforting!. It was colorless, shapeless!. Yet I could still see and hear it!. I felt it tickle my skin!.

An invisible hand collided with the edge of my jaw, making me stumble back!. The hand--or rock, perhaps--must have been on fire, because it burned right through to the bone!. I didn't dare touch the wound, nor did I mean to scream, but I had no control over it!.

I realized, with unconcealed horror, that the *wind* had stricken me, and not a hand or rock!.

The wind was hot now, too hot!. It scorched every inch of me!. If I didn't escape, I would turn into dust!.

This wind was like no other!. It would not blow me away as other winds would!. It would consume me!.


Well!. It's a bit weird!. Okay, really weird!. I don't know, maybe it will give you an idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They stood still as they heard the bushes rattle!. They both peered around, looking for a spot of saftey, but they were surrounded!. _____ turned around to see if ______ was still by her side, but---

the "_____" are places to fill in names!.

If you ask me, someone who writes to scare you, is someone who's story will stay in my head!

Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

choose a genre first romance, action, adventure, drama, sci fi, fantasy, crime/thriller, comedy!. Once you pick one try think of something thats happened to you and spice it up Www@QuestionHome@Com

He saw the prices on the boards and said, "The prices are coming! The prices are coming!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

"there was blood everywhere"!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A long way down!.!.!.!. wait that is the name of a great book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to start writing, u hav to get inspired on ur own!.!.!.!.just think of ur life upto this point!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com