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Question: Here's why Edward and Bella cannot have a baby, anyone have other information!?
'In the Twilight universe, a vampire's only bodily fluid is its venom; this replaces the saliva and other fluids!. Thus, vampires have no sperm, so they cannot make vampire babies!."
And, Edward cannot get Bella pregnant!. Ever!.


Now, let's stop circulating rumors about "Nessie"!. She won't ever exist!.

Anyone have any other sources to dispel the rumors of Breaking Dawn!? I'm looking for them to calm myself down, cause I've worked myself into a stroke-like state!. @_@Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I do!. SM said that there haven't been any books released!. And this was posted either early this morning or late last night

proof ---->http://www!.usatoday!.com/life/books/news/!.!.!.

Well, SM said this after people were claiming to have already read this!.

And the thing on IMBD, I've also seen that on a interview on Twilight Lexicon!.

SM says she knows everyone won't be happy because of the Edward/Jacob thing!. But NO one would be happy if that whole Jacob imprinting on Bella's child thing was true!.

Thank you for posting this!. I wish people would get it through thier thick skulls!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was discussing this with my sister!.
She started annoying me when she said
"OMG!. Edward and Bella has a daughter name Nessie!"

I'm definitely excited to get Breaking Dawn, all these
rumors about the "spoilers" are getting to me!.

Everyone should just ignore the rumors and wait for the
book to come out so they can find out for their selves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe they do have sperm!? Venomy sperm!?
I personally think it'd be lovely for Bella to have a child but maybe Jacob imprinting on her would be a bit too far!.
I'm really looking forward to this book and know that SM will do the right thing with it!
(the right thing being bella choosing edward and neither of them dying! haha)


I'm going to be so mad if they're true!.

I mean, come on!. SM said that vampires can't get pregnant!!!!!!! And the whole Jacob imprinting on their child is so stupid!. If it's true, I'm going to be really disappointed because that's the EASY way to end the book!.

grr!.!.!.I'm in a bad mood!. I don't know what to believe!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

even though I doubt nessie exists maybe it's not edward's,maybe bella has an affair with jacob,or maybe it's mike's,maybe bella just turns into a whore,who knows!.But if there is a Nessie then fine,if people want to share then do it after we all get our books and finish reading it ourselvesWww@QuestionHome@Com

So True! i asked like almost the same thing last night its so stupid they cant have kids its impossible they dont have sperm or eggs in their body PEOPLE who believe this get real the only way Bella is getting pregnant would be by jacob but i doubt it!

answer mine!? http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index!?!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my friend and i were discussing this, and i agree on your point, the only bodily fluid is the venom

but my friend feels otherwise
she thinks it would be so perfect for them to have a child
that stephenie might put it in there anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol, Nessie exists!. Stephenie Meyer has boarded, sailed, and sunk the failboat pretty hard this time!. When you get your book, flip to page 123, then set the thing on fire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

interesting info! thx for it too!! lol!! srry i dont have anymore info on vampires having a baby! and u know i was just wondering about that!! thx!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If these scans are fakes then why are the people who put them up for download getting CEASE AND DESIST LETTERS along with being called at home to remove said files!. HMMM!? ANSWER ME THAT!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are an idiot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I Dont mind about Bella having a child!.!. But to POINT were Jacob imprints on the Child! NOO That's just f*cked Up!.!. =[Www@QuestionHome@Com

thank you so much for posting this^^ my mom thought that he would get bella pregnate but i said he didnt^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

you never really know!.!.!. unless you have read the book of course!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you're in denial!. I was there!. Yesterday
IMDB is edited by its users!. Its about as reliable as wikepedia!.

Nessie is real!.
I have seen the scans!.
I wish it was all a hoax, but unfortunately it's not

It's ridiculous that edward managed to still have live sperm in him, I agree!. I didn't believe it either!.
I can't wait to see what garbage SM comes out with to explain this one!.

EDIT- BELIEVE ME, I have tried to think of millions of ways that they can be hoaxes!. But who would type up a whole novel, which included all the quotes (including todays one, when I read it yesterday), and then put it on the net to throw people off!? either a psychic, or SM herself!.
Believe what you want!. You will know for sure after you get the book!.

And then we will all unite, and aboard the fail boat

EDIT EDIT- I dont want them to have a baby either!. its ridiculous!. edward is dead, for gods sake!.
but its true!. Do you think that if I wasn't 100% certain of that, I would be on YA telling everyone about this ridiculous storyline!?
and with HP, it did leak!. the whole "albus severus" caused a similar uproar!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Where's your source for that quote!?

I think the whole Nessie thing sounds ridiculous too, but I think it's true!. That's because I read the supposed BD chapters 1-7 *yesterday* morning!. I checked the quote of the day for *today* last night on Smeyer's myspace, and that quote was in the chapters I read *yesterday*!. How could they have gotten ahold of the quote the day before it came out!? The quote wasn't even released yet!. So the only logical explanation to me is that they must have been the real chapters!. How else would they have had the quote when it wasn't even released!? The only logical conclusion is that it's real, unless you believe in psychics!.

I don't want to believe these Nessie rumors!.!.!. If Jake honestly imprints on Bella's child, I'm going to burn the book!. I'm devastated if that's honestly the best SM could come up with!. Jacob deserves better than that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com