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Question: Character studies!.!.!.!.!.
I've developed the basic plot for my 8-part series!. Now, I want to start fleshing out the characters, making the character studies (which willl sort of change up the plot based on their backstories, etc!.) But, I don't really know how to do them!. I have one of the main characters's personality already figured out; I know exactly what he'd do in any situation!. But how do I get the specific details and how do I do this with other characters!?!?!?

links, info, etc!. on how to do a charatcer study would be helpful, thanks! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love making characters!. It's just about one of my favorite things in writing! I don't use character studies because I just write from my character's perspective!. It's kind of like a string of "What would you do here!?" questions!. It takes a while, but I love it!. Especially since I write in first-person and I love letting the the character's voice show!.

If you like to make profiles here's one:


They don't really help me!. Writing out in their POV usually works the best for me!. Especially because I never start out with a plot - just a couple of characters and the way the interact and what-not turns into my plot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Characters are supposed to serve the plot, not the other way round!. Write your story and see what develops!. If you really want to write character studies, do it part way through the story, when you feel you need a break!. Things like that are a good way to jog your imagination if you get stuck later on!.

But anyway, when you're creating a charcter, the important questions you need to answer are these:
What are their personal goals!? goals in the story!? passions!? fears!? dreams!? secrets!? values!? beliefs!? shames!? loves!? hates!? virtues!? flaws!? strengths!? weaknesses!? true needs!? comfort mechanisms!? How do they want people to see them!? How do they see themselves!? How do these differ from the way they behave when they're alone!? What do they stand to lose in the story!?

Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

though long and drawn out, it might be good to do several writing exercises like writing the story from the perspective of each character!.

i'm currently at the same point you are, and plan on developing my characters in this way, see what they tell me :)

sorry i have no links or sites, i hope i've helped thoughWww@QuestionHome@Com

I searched "character studies" in the Y! Answers search bar, and found this, which might help!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com