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Question: Rosalie Cullen outfit!
I'm going as Rosalie for the Breaking Dawn party tomorrow, but I don't know what I shoud wear!. My options are:

-A short jean skirt with cute belt
-Tight black jeans
-Flowing black pants that fan out at the ankle
-A tight red tank-top with a low-cut red, flowing shirt over it
-A tight black short-sleeved shirt with a high collar and open back
-A skinny black prom dress with a corset-like upper half
-A skinny crimson prom dress with a sparkling corset-like upper half

I need help! I really appreciate it! Thank you!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well in order to keep it casual yet partish still I would say you could Rock it out like Rosalie in the tight black jeans with the tight black short sleeved open back shirt!. This way you're keeping it sassy and sexy, but in a!.!.!.not over doing it manner!.

But if you feel up to Show Stopping!.!.!.I say do the Skinny Crimson Prom Dress!!!

Remember Heels are Essentials too!!.!.!.And if you really wanna go full out!.!.!.get some hazel or yellow contacts!! (Or black contacts)!!

=D!.!.!.Best Answer Me Please!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the crimson prom dress because it would look really pretty!.
But i also think that Rosalie would most likely wear the tight black jeans with the tight red tank-top with a low-cut red flowing shirt over it, would be very pretty too, or the shirt with the open back!.
But i'd go with the crimson dress!.
Have fun!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ha ha i'm having a bit of the same problem!

i figure that Rosalie, like the rest of the Cullens wears normal everyday clothes!. However that does not mean yucky jeans and a tee!. It means top of the line glamour girl with like the ultimate sex hair lol!.

I'm wearing dark skinny jeans and a scoop neck long sleeve black top!.
i'm opting not to go with a heel because we'll be standing or sitting around all night and I don't want to be uncomfy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The last one definatly! I am also a twilight fan!. Red - Def for blood vampires
and a dress cuz rosalie is soo awesome and girlie and sexy
if you dont go with that go with the red tank top with the low cut red flowing shirt and the tight black jeans!


the skinny crimson prom dress and style your hair like this

you know the loose waves but with a formal look to it


I would wear a skinny crimson prom dress, as prom dresses are what they say you should wear on the Barnes and Noble website!. Have fun at the party!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whatever you decide, it better be STUNNING!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rosalie seems like the type of person who would wear the last outfit! Hope this helped! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

how about the flowing black pants and red tank!.

they sound like something rosalie would wear!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tight black jeansWww@QuestionHome@Com

option 7Www@QuestionHome@Com

crimson dress b/c it looks most like what she wore 2 prom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com