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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Has anyone read the book Night by Elie Wiesel??

Question: Has anyone read the book Night by Elie Wiesel!?!?

1) When and where does the first part of the story take place!?

2) Describe the main character!. What kind of boy was he!?

3)What story did Moshe the Beadle tell upon his return to Sighet!?

4)How did the people of Elie’s town justify their denial of the German actions!? How did the seventh day of Passover change their minds!?

5)Describe life in the ghetto and what it was like to be deported!.

6)How were Elie and his family transported to their first camp!? Describe the conditions on the transport!.

7)Describe the outburst of Madame Schachter!. How was this a premonition of what was to come!?

8)Where did they finally arrive after so many days of travel!? What happened to Elie, his family, and the others who made the “journey”!?

9)Who was Dr!. Mengele!? What did the direction of his wand mean!? What direction did Elie and his father receive!? Why do you think it was that direction!?

10)Above the door at Auschwitz and other camps, was the sign which read “Work is Liberty!." What is the irony of this saying!?

11)What was a Kapo!? What role did they play in the camps!?

12)What was the “selection” process!? Why was it good to pass!?

13)What happened to Elie’s foot!? What was it like in the hospital!?

14)Why was the camp at Buna evacuated!? Why did Elie not stay in the hospital!?

15)How did Elie’s father die!? What was Elie’s reaction!?

16)What did he think would happen to him before the Russians or Americans would arrive!? Why!?

17)Why were Elie and the remaining prisoners at the camp not deported!? What saved them!?

18)What was Elie’s first act as a free man, after the Americans liberated the camp!?

19)For such a pious young man, Elie became quite cynical of God and religion!. Why!?

20)There were many terrifying and moving scenes in the book!. Choose the one which most affected you and explain why you were so moved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I fully agree with the answerers- you should do your own work or at least TRY and make an effort to answer them on your own!. Believe me, Night is a very easy novel to write about!. But since you seem to be in jam!.!.!.!.!.

1) Sighet, Auschwitz, Poland, Buchenwald, Germany

2) A student studying the Jewish way of life!. Fascinated by God!.

3) The Jews had to dig their own grave in a forest!.

4) "The officers were billeted in private houses, even in the houses of Jews!. Their attitude toward their hosts was distant but polite"(7)!. The Jews thought they were nice and could do no harm!.

5) They were surrounded by barbed wire but a Jewish council was appointed!.

6) They were transported in cattle cars!. They were tortured by the heat and thirst and there was little room to move!.

7 "Jews listen to me! I can see a fire! There are huge flames! It is a furnace" (23)! Study that quote and you'll figure out the answer to the second part of your question!.

8) Auschwitz!. Men went to the left, women went to the right!. He would never see his mother or younger sister again!.

9) Chief doctor at Auschwitz!. Left= Gas chambers Right= Labor Camps!.

10) Because everyone was working as hard as they could, yet no freedom!. The only way to "freedom" was through the chimney!. Get it!?

11) A Kapo is a prisoner who is in charge of a block or barracks!.

12) If the baton pointed left, you go to the gas chambers!. If it pointed right, you live!. Anyone who was considered weak, sick, or old were sent to the gas chambers!.

13) Full of pus!. He had to have an operation!.

14) The Russians were coming!. He didn't stay because he thought him and his father had a better chance of survival if they left!.

15) "The officer came up to him and shouted at him to be quiet!.!.!.!.!. The officer dealt him a violent blow on the head" (106)!.

16) I think he thought he was not going to make it!.

17) I forgot, sorry!.

18) He was in the hospital because of food poisoning

19) He thought how could his own God, the one that he looks up to, allow this to happen!.

20) Oh no you don't! I've done more than what I should!. Read the novel, sweetie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey, these are almost exactly the same questions my teacher gave us when we read it in school!. Hate to break it to you, but you'll never do anything unless you do your own work!.

And you should read it anyway!. It's a fantastic book that will change your perspective!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i just finished my summer reading project
good luck with yours
that book was really boring
i hated it
(had to read it during the school year
and had to answer many !?'s bout it already)Www@QuestionHome@Com

hey there!. i read that book like 3 years ago in school!. i remember what its about!.!.!. but not real specific details!. but ill tell u this!.!.!. go to sparknotes!.com!.!.!. and go under literature!. and type in the book and it'll give u all the answers u need!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Do your own homework!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I had to read this for school Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read the book at first I hated it but then it got really good!.!.!.so do your own work because it's worth readingWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's summer!. I'm not gonna do homework! Do your own!Www@QuestionHome@Com