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Question: Twilighters!?!?!?: How do u think!?!?!?
Okay, so what do you think (hypothetically) about Bella getting pregnant!?
(I'm not saying that it's true) Just like how do you think it could happen!?!?

My theories: Edward turns back into a human
Bella does it with someone else (Jacob!?!?) Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
edward does not turn into a human and the baby is not edwards!. bella has sex with jacob for their final goodbye before bella turns into a vampire but then she finds out shes having jacobs baby and she doesnt turn into a vamp because that would kill the baby and the baby is the only thing she has left of jacob!. im just throwing some random ideas together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought about the human thing with Edward too!. Like somehow their love is so strong that when Edward bites Bella, it actually turns him human!. Rather than the other way around!.

Then, I thought Edward might actually be able to get her pregnant!. I mean, did Stephenie ever mention that a vampire couldn't produce babies!? It seems impossible, but I mean, she has changed the vampire aspects in more ways than one!. (Not bats, just run!? Don't burn, just glitter!?) Maybe he's not unable to produce babies, just immortal!. haha sounds ridiculous

But, no, I don't think Bella does it with anyone else!. Definitely not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i wish all the cullens would turn back into humans!
but since that can't happen i don't think that bella would do it with anyone else, unless someone like rapes her!? and than she'd be preggers and wouldnt want to abort the baby by turning into a vamp so edward would have like 9 months before bella could be turned and then bella wouldnt want to give it up for adoption so she wouldnt turn into a vampire, and would leave edward and be a human!!! then maybe after ed killed himself, bella could end up with jake and her kid, though she'd be very unhappy!.
sorry, i know thats stupid but i really dont think bella will get pregnant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think stephenie Meyer is going to feed us a whole load of crap, like edwards sperm has been frozen and preserved for 90 years or whatever, and bella "defrosted them" ugh

He is definetely a vampire when they "do it"
and no, bella doesnt do it with someone else!.
But edward wants bella to abort it, and then asks jacob to have sex with her, as he'd rather she had a baby with jacob than die from the half vamp baby!.!.!.!.

its all so ridiculous

The baby storyline is FAIL enough!.!.!.!.
but that doesnt even compare to jacobs ending!.!.!.!.!.
which is one of the worst possible endings SM could have made for himWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think Bella is going to get pregnant, the rumors and "spoilers" sound REALLY dumb!. Especially the one about Bella getting pregnant with Edward's baby!.!. which isn't possible!. Nor do I think Bella is going to get pregnant with Jacobs baby!.!. that would ruin everything!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that is just a big fat rumor!! im pretty sure edward can't turn human again and vampires dont have sperms! and edward does want her to have all her human experinces before she turns into a vamipire (if she does) so she cud have sex with jacob but i honestly don't think that shell end up being pregnant!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jake could rape her!.!.!.

hahahaha, just kidding!. she might think that edward has died, and go to jake for comport!.!.!. they could get carried away!. but its not likely!.

I don't think she will get pregnant!. also, I have a question about bodily fluids (about twilight, not real life) if you want to answer it!.!.!. please!.


Bella still being a human can get pregnant!. Edward being stuck in his perpetual state of a 17 year old boy!.!. I'll let you do the math!.
Edward doesn't turn back into a human though lol!.
And Bella doesn't sex Jacob up, thank goodness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't see how it's possible for edward to turn human, and you know what!?i really hope that she never sees jacob again, even though i know that won't be possible :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone that has supposedly read the first 7 chapters online said that it reads like a bad fanfiction!. Could be!. Someone could have posted that as THEIR fanfiction but you never know!. Some girl on the imdb!.com boards said that she picked it up in an airport and has finished it!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephanie Meyers over looked something!.

Find out on saturday and stop asking useless questions that nobody knows the answer to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't see how Edward could become human again!. I don't think she does get pregnant!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont think she does get pregnant!. I think it is a big fat rumor!.


i dont know how it happened but she is pregnant!. it confuses me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if she does get pregnant which i doubt i think it would be with jacob!. she did say herself that she loved him!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think she will get pregnant its just a rumor that Twilight haters made up so that they would stop reading the book!

-Twilight <3 Nick Jonas
Days till breaking dawn:1Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOOOOOOOL!.!. She won't get pregnantWww@QuestionHome@Com

NOOO!! OMg are u serious!?!?!?!! PANIC ATTACK!!! She has children with JAcob!!!!!?!?!?!? AHHHHHWww@QuestionHome@Com