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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Okay so i cant wait till breaking Dawn so i wrote this little random thingy.

Question: Okay so i cant wait till breaking Dawn so i wrote this little random thingy!.
by the way - I WROTE IT like now, so dotn actually beleive it!. and i wrote it cuase i was bored!. but how is it!?

“Edward!?” I said softely!.
“Edward!? Edward!?”
I spoke louder this time, “Edward! Edward!”
The echoed were being muffled, I kept shouting!.
“Edward! Edward! Edward!.” My screams sounded bloodthristy, because I was!. It was dark!.And my throat yearned for the think red liquid!. I wanted it, but I couldent!. I just could not!. But my thirst could be satisfied!. Just one little drop, just one!. What was I thinking!
“Edward” I yelled, I was pulling my hair and screaming!.
“AAAAARRGGHHHH” I screamed louder than I had ever screamed, it scared me!. I barely saw edward run to me and wrap his hands around me!.
“Bella, its okay!. Dont be scared!. I’m with you I won"t let you do anything!.” Edward sounded urgent!.
I was still gripping my hair!. The scent was lurking in the woods, perhaps one little drop wouldent hurt!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That's VERY good! I liked it a lot!. It's pretty believable except for a few proof readings you should be careful to check!. Other than that, I like it!. I wish Stephenie would include this paragraph in her book!.

Breaking Dawn 08!.02!.08 - 1 more day from now *squee*Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like it and i think that it is pretty good!. if you cant wait to read breaking dawn here are the first 7 chapters!. i am pretty sure that they are legit


hope you like it Www@QuestionHome@Com

it was good check out mine too

interesting!.!.!. NOT sorry, it was kinda, you know, crazy but also highly predictible in condescending ways!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's nice you are enjoying yourself through creativity, but objectively, it's not great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's pretty good i like it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

****! That just gave it away for me! My own fault!. It`s good though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that's soooo cute!
you're a REALLY good writer,even if it was on a whim!Www@QuestionHome@Com

this must be when shes changed right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com