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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Will there be any new Hannibal lecter books from thomas harris?

Question: Will there be any new Hannibal lecter books from thomas harris!?
I LOVE these books so much! Hannibal was the first fictional book i ever read!! :D SO any new ones!?!? if so when will it take place!?!? Im hoping after hannibal! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Thomas Harris is a notoriously slow writer!. It's even been commented on by other writers!. Considering the relatively recent release of Hannibal Rising I wouldn't count on there being another any time soon!.

also, given the fact that he had to go to the creation of Hannibal in his most recent book it makes it seem as though he is running out of ideas for the legend to be put in!. I would say it's entirely possible that we've seen the last of Hannibal, but then again - we've thought that many times before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The books in order are:

Red Dragon
Silence of the Lambs
Hannibal Rising

In Red Dragon & Silence of the Lambs, Lecter was already imprisoned, he has small parts (slightly bigger in Silence of the Lambs, his personality dominates even when he's not present) in both books but plays an important in both - Hannibal recounts his adventures after he escapes in Silence of the Lambs & Hannibal Rising is a prequel telling the story of his early life and how he came to be what he is!.

I think Thomas Harris is deeply enamoured of his fictional anti-hero & will probably be unable to resist to the temptation to write another book when he should have stopped with Silence of the Lambs!. I read Hannibal & I was very disappointed, particularly with the ending - I think the film has a much more realistic ending!.Www@QuestionHome@Com