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Question: Pre-Ordering Breaking Dawn
If I pre-order breaking dawn the day before it comes out!.!.!. which is tomarrow!.!.!.!. will i still get it the next day!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Well pre-ordering is different than reserving a copy!.

Pre-ordering, you'll probably get it a few days after the release!. Pre-ordering is when you order it online and they send it to your house!.

If you go to the store and reserve a copy tomorrow, you'll still get it August 2nd!. Barnes and Noble holds the book for you for up to three days after the release date!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes;they wont give it away because you bought it they will hold it till you claim it; that's their policy; they order enough of these party's so everyone can get a copy that's their;Www@QuestionHome@Com
