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Question: This is a story about my life! Tell me what you think!?!?
This is my life ( tell me what you think of it!?!?)

True story!.!.

My life right now is hard! And for the young teens out there who are read this!. Please pay attention of what I have to say, because I don't want you young girls to end up in the same road as I'am!. Ok! My life right now is hard!. It's not easy! When I was goin to school!. I did not relise how life would be after I pass in high school!. In fact! I did not think about it one bit!. All I said to my self, is that when I get out!. I'm goin to get me a great job, make a whole lot of money and get me my own place!. But you know what!? I could of had all that!? But what happen you all ask!? I played around too much!. I had my mind all on the boys and not about on my school work!. People mistake me for being retarted and so they put me in specal ed!. Specal ed class was hard on me too!. I was not learning enough! All they could give me is work that was in a easy grade level!. The other kids in diff class was learning in a college level!. Soon the longer I was there, the more slower I become in other things!. Like math, reading, speach, writing and ect!. That class mess me up! But thats what I get for playing around too much in my days!. After I was done with school!. I started to soon see what diff things are happening to me!. I started working, I first work at a fast food restrants!. But the people there just got on my nevers and so I just quit!. I had another job! But that did not work out too!. I went from job, to job and to job!. I could not hold on job for very long!. It was hard! I wanted my own place!. But the rent here cost too much!. I wanted to go on a trip!. But the jobs I stay at don't pay well enough for me to get me a plane ticket!. I wanted to do alot of stuff and get my dreams goin!. Like for one get my own place, travel see the world and just live life just right!. So I knew I had to pull my self together and work hard as I can to get to where I want to be!. I apply my self into college and right now i'm working!. And working at the job I'm at right now is not easy and I hate it!. Some of these people get on my nevers, the pay is junk!. But I have to strich my back just to keep this job and work hard as I can, just until I finshes school and get me a good job!.

So my say to all you young teen out there!. Don't be like me!? Please stay in school, don't worry about having boyfriends, or making babies!. Without school, you kids will be dead in the real world!. Because life is not a game!. If you girls allready have a baby!. Then you know what! Get your self a fresh start by goin back to school right away!. Cuz it will the best thing for you!.

God bless =] Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
wow i love that story and im sorry that happend and im glad u are goin back to schoolWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm glad you realized what you need to do to get your life back on track and putting it out there for others too see and take in!.

Good luck in the future
I hope you can make your dreams a reality

Thankyou Poppet,
A very nice bit of advice for a change!

God Bless you,xWww@QuestionHome@Com

Young lady you a very ambitious young lady & I hope when you finished College you do not just get a job and stuck in it but you keep moving up to own your Business because you will still be thinking how long you will be having that Job befor you have to be looking for another one so look to the top my bear you have the ambition & the drive so Drive all the way to the top!!.

It's a speech!. Not a short story!.
The grammar and spelling are awful!.
But, if it's a message you're interested in getting out there, I guess you could try to publish it on a website!. In this shape, no one will take it though!. You have too many fragments and too many exclamation points!. No one will take you seriously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kitty is right!. You have a living testimony of a life gone bad through the decisions you poorly made!. Let us hope you can turn these bad experiences into something that will take you into adulthood that has its obligations, responsibilities, and benefits!.

Work on an education that will include English composition if you wish to continue writing!. Your message is strong within a poorly crafted story!. To edit your story would take much effort on anyone's part!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the story that isn't your story

you are getting chased by a mexican and have loads of love for chickens you think you can get pregnant by kissing someone and because you mum has one eye you think she a retard just because people at school tease you but then again you don't really like many of the people at school because anyone who is pretty is a "whore" and most girls just want to get pregnant and from your views that is like ruining you life you don't understand black people and this story of your life sounds like you have been a whore yourself and are just jealous of pretty girls!.
Your getting an education but your grammar is terrible!.

Reading some of the questions you have asked and answered having Britney as your name is putting her to shame!.Www@QuestionHome@Com