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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Ive read Breaking Dawn spoilers that say that edward and bella will have sex and

Question: Ive read Breaking Dawn spoilers that say that edward and bella will have sex and or have a kid!.!?
as i talked to my boyfriend about it, he brought up a very astute point!. Edward is a vampire, meaning blood does NOT flow inside his body!. In the books, he claims to be unable to have sex with bella because he is AFRAID he'll get carried away and hurt her!. BUT the thing is!.!.!.how can they have sex if he needs blood flow to obtain an erection!? i know its a book and everything but its supposed to be based on real people!. They must've missed that!. Either way the Twilight saga is THEE best and i cant wait till Breaking Dawn comes out! even if edward and bella cant have sex! the book is better than that anyway!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Are you like, lame!?

Spoilers are FAKE, you dumbo, nobody knows what happens in breaking dawn!. The people who created such a fake spoiler are retards!. People who actually take these fake spoilers as seriously as you do, are even more dim witted!.
Goodness me, your boyfriend is even MORE spastic!.

no offence, but, seriously!.!.!.!.!.!.!. WAIT, how old are you!?

if you have sex with your boyfriend, you're gonna give birth to the worlds most idiotic toddler!. Where the HELL is your common sense!? or maybe you dont have a brain to begin with!? i cannot believe that stephenie meyer actually created a book that caused idiotic brainless half-assed shits like you and your boyfriend to be crazy over edward!.
*!.!.!.shakes head in disbelief!.!.!.*Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah and apparently their child is called nessie and is part human part vampire and bella almost dies becuase the baby is part human part vampire while she is giving birth and edward has to bite her to save her!.
That is not a spoiler btw that is complete wubbishhh some people have been saying!

**EDIT** and apparently they have sex in the seaWww@QuestionHome@Com

haha!. good one reisha!

it's complete nonsense!. stephenie meyer would NEVER write something like THAT!. don't believe all those spoilers ppl post on the internet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's all true!. Read the book and give me some points, kthnx!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dearie me this has been asked a few times (dont worry im not meaning im one of them twilight haters who hate all the twilight questions, i mean its been questioned alot throughout the internet!.!. can they have kids!?)

Well in a short answer no they cannot, stephenie meyer has said this herself :

Basically, as you know Edward is techniqually dead right!? So he dosent have sperm!.

However that brings up the question, how can he have sex then!? coz as you said he dosent have blood flowwing through his body, so he cant ahve an errection!.

Well teh venom replaces all of that! So he can have sex but can never impregante anyone!.

I sort of guessed that before i even read stephenie telling people that tho, coz can you imagine a lil vampire baby!?!

Oh and another thing, as stated in the books vampire women cannot get pregnant! Because when talking about what happens when they change, stephenie said about how if they changed will tehy were pregnant they would forever stay preggers!. Thats why teh cullens can never cut their hair, coz well itw ont go back!.


I just read the previous answer and had to respond to put your mind at ease!.

It has been confirmed by stephenie herself that Edward will never be able to impregnate bella, or any girl, he dosent have sperm :)

As i said its been replaced by vemom which btw is why he was worried about sex, because if somehow she got cut and some vennom spurted out into the cut!.!. well she would change right there on the spot!.

Gawd knows where this Nessie thing come from, ive heard it everywere! but i can confirm it isnt true!.

Oh and why the hell nessie!? what a strange name!.!.

Oh and you'll also prolly hear that Jacob will imprint on 'Nessie' which again isnt true!.

And why oh why would they have sex in the sea!?!

hope i helped :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

hah you'll wanna kick yourself after you read breaking dawn or the first few chapters >< I know i wanted to

edit-- nessie apparently means lamb and her name isnt nessie, its her nickname!. The babys real name is renesme ><

edit-- yeah biancas right lol it is all true but why dont you read the books and find out so then you guys can feel like an *** lol i deff did, I didnt believe it at first but then someone sent me the first 7 chapters >< they scanned the pages!. youll understand the whole pregnancy thing when you read the book!.
and yes it was real, I know Stephenie Meyers writing when i see it and those scans were deff the work of Stephenie meyer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com