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Question: Published Writers, how long did it take you to get your first draft of your novel just right!?
I am also curious how long it took to actually get published, and out on the market!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It took four months to write it, but when it was done, I knew it had big issues!.

So I let it sit for about five months while I worked on other things!. I really didn't want to go back to it, but some friends hammered at me until I did!.

The rewrites took about a month!. I hyperfocus!. I work on one project at a time!. Obsessively!. Anyway, it needed serious work!. I head-hopped, my POV was a mess, and I had plot holes you could drive a truck through!. But I fixed it!. Polished and shined and got good critiques and polished some more!.

I sent it to one print publisher, who rejected it with a personal note saying that it wasn't their style!. I wasn't really active about pursuing publication!. I had a niche story!. A novella!. At the time, that one publisher was about the only outlet I had!. Then some new e-publishers started opening up that weren't entirely focused on erotic romance!. I did my research and eventually sent it to the one publisher that seemed to really be ringing bells in the industry!.

I was lucky!. They bought it!.

It took almost two years from writing the first word to seeing it for sale!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I am not a published author, but I just recently finished a 1st draft of my first book!. I started 340 days after I started, so a year minus about 2 weeks!. You would be safe to assume 1 year if you are working on it throughout the year!. By this, I don't mean every day, or even every week, but every two or three weeks I would have a boost where I continued writing and then take a break!. The process seemed to work for me!.
As far as being published or out on the market, I can't help you so much there, but you skipped a step!. After you finished your first draft, there is a ton of editing!.
Hope this helped,