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Question: [Twilight] Edward of Jake!?
This is about the book twilight! if you havent read it than this probably the question for you but for those of you that have!. Please tell me which one of them would you chose and then please add details!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1st of all i never really understood how edward and bella fell in love it just sort of happened!. and all bella talks about is how much shes in love with edward but she never really says why, its kind of annoying at times!. bella talks about how she cant live without edward but she never tried too!. its like she was punishing herself and making herself miserable on purpose when edward left!. all she wants is to get turned into a vampire which i think is stupid because shes jsut a teenager and doesnt know what she wants she doesnt even think and she will regret it!. edward at times is annoying!. i know he loves bella and would never hurt her but hes a bit over protective and not much fun!. all he talks about is how much he loves bella and bla bla!. jacob however is the only reason i finished reading new moon and eclipse!. he is so much fun and outgoing!. he also cares about bella but i think its unfair to him that bella was leading him on!. she doesnt understand and does take everything for granted!. i just feel bad for jacob but he will be ok!. bella however is making the worst mistake of her life by throwing her life away for a "bloodsucker" she will regret it for sure!. she would be much better off with jacob but hey its her mistake!. i also think jacob knows more about bella then edward does, edward thinks hes know everything about bella and whats best for her but he doesnt!.
TEAM JACOBWww@QuestionHome@Com

jacob =]

Edward is too controlling and lies way too much!. Bella specifically asks him not to do things and he does them anyways!. He has no respect for her opinion!. He thinks he has the right to control her, which is awful!. He's also very black-and-white!. I dislike black and white attitudes; my motto is "moderation in all things"!. It's important to be in the gray area!.

Jacob's personality rocks!. He is the kind of guy I want to end up with!. And even better-- He's HUMAN!. He can give her a HUMAN future!. She can have kids and grow up with him!. She can get older and, in time, die!. He's not some hard rock who drinks blood, is immortal, and can't offer her a future!. Jake brings out the best in Bella; Edward brings out the worst in her!. She and Jake have a more natural chemistry!.

Plus Jake's hilarious!. Edward is boring as hell!.

Jake isn't selfish!. People who say Jake is selfish don't understand Jake at all!.

Edward, hes mature, caring, loving, and doesn'tt force Bella to do things shedoesn'tt want to like Jake!. Jake kissed Bella without her asking (the 2st time) I do not hate Jake at all but i would choose Edward also cause i fall a lot and he would catch me :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would choose edward, he's just perfect, he's sweet and loving, protecting and just really nice, jake is childish and needs to learn that bella and edward are happy together and he shouldn't try to ruin that!.
i'd pick edward any day!.

Edward because hes such a gentlemen, has patience, hes very understanding, and hes sexy!

Jacob is immature, silly, and has rage problems xD

Go team Edward!Www@QuestionHome@Com

*JAKE--he is more relatable and brings out bella's personality way more than edward does

**taylor lautner is hotter than rob pattinsonWww@QuestionHome@Com

Edward, jake is too childish and silly!. edward is a gentlemen and is way sexyer too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob!!! I mean Edward is really hot, but I'm not Bella, I can see the abusive tendencies (or at least the creepy one's)!. OMG <3 both!!Www@QuestionHome@Com


i would choose edward cuz he seems like a good romantic than jacob!. and edward has this cute/funny way of talking that i like!. i <3 edward!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward who couldent choose himWww@QuestionHome@Com