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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anybody like the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyers?

Question: Does anybody like the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyers!?
i love her books, and i can't wait for Breaking Dawn tomorrow! so here are some questions for you devoted fans:
Jacob or Edward and why!?
Do you like Bella as the main character!?
Is anyone going to a Breaking Dawn party!?
If you read it, how did you like the Host!? (i loved it!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is an old question, but since the other answers sucked, I'll give you a full answer!.

Jacob, because he is fun, wild, and he takes care of Bella without holding her back!. Edwards a great guy, but he is too controlling and hypocritical!. Come on, Eddie is worreid about Bella because werewolves are unpredictable!. They're better than a crazy vampire who loves the scent of her blood!. Jacob knows how to have fun!. I could live with a guy like him, I mean, I went cliff jumping yesterday!.

Just for the record, people shouldnt say Twilight gives girls unrealistic ideas about men, because Edward isnt human!. Of course he is going to be a perfect loving boyfriend!. He's fictional!. Most people realize that!. also, Disney princes give little girls crazy ideas about being swept off their feet, but nooo, its only Edward that gets critisized!. There are hundreds of books out there that depict an amazingly perfect boyfriend, but so what!? Stephenie Meyer created Edward how she saw him, as hes her fictional character!. Plus, I like him!.

Bella is a great character to follow, because she is relatable to many kinds of people!. Shes klutzy, unsure of herself, madly in love, and she puts others before herself!. Most people can find at least one similar trait within her!. She was a little whiney in New Moon, but Jacob helped her out, and made her better!. But, I think Bella needs to grow up a little!. She does alot of rash things, and thats when I like her the most, like when she jumps off the cliff, motorbikes, and dares Jacob to kiss her!. Im rash, I admit!. I dirtbike, cliff jump, and daringly taunt "dangerous" people lol!.

I wish I could go to a BD party!.

I LOVED the Host!. Im not a sci-fi person, but it was amazing!. I like how Wanda didnt just instantly fall in love like Bella did, and I like how it took time for her to get intimate with people!. It did take a bit of time getting into though!. It was truley original!. I stopped to think alot through that book, about the 9 grandparents of one species, and the colour we dont have on earth!. Meyer must have a czazy imagination, to think up all that stuff!. I know there are books about aliens invading humans and stuff, but not in a way were the alien is the main character, and the protagonist!. I really enjoyed it!. Twilight series the Host are my favourite books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I hate the series!. They are poorly written, the characters suck, the relationships give girls a skewed vision of what real men are like, the relationships are unrealistic and shallow, the message of the book is awful, and the plot is non-existent!.

I'm Team Jacob!. Jacob's human, and his personality is better than Edward's!. Plus I like his motivations more than I do Edward's!. Jake rocks!.

I HATE Bella!. She is a whiny, hypocritical, inherently self-absorbed, cry-baby, obsequious, insipid, backstabbing damsel in distress who treats her friends like crap, can't stand on her own two feet without Eddie or Jake holding her up, has no backbone, and is much too dependent on Edward!. She has no hopes, dreams, or goals for the future, other than to be with Edward!. She has no ambition!. Talk about a misogynistic series!. And she has no personality-- she's so boring!. She's a Mary Sue!.

I'm not going to the Breaking Dawn Party!. I'm going to the midnight release at Walmart with my friends, though!.

I haven't read the Host, nor am I planning on it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have OCD-obsessive Cullen dissorder- and i am in love with the books! I have read them each about 36 times!!No joke!
Team edward-
Bella is whiney all the time and that gets on my nerves because she has a great life with Edward and all she does is complain!!
And i got so mad at her when she kissed Jacob!! i mean how does she think that makes Edward feel!? but whateves!!
I am going to the Breaking Dawn party and it is going to be awesome!!!!
I did not read the host but i want to really bad!! i'll find a way to read it one way or another!!!!
p!.s-love twilight and there is nothing you drink people can do about it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the books toooo :D
Edwarrrrddd :D I love himmm !!
Edward because its soooo right that hes bellas guy (: i have a bad feeling about jacob for some reason!.!. and besides who can beat a sexy vampiree :D !.!. !
Bella is cool for a main character!. I like her alot!.
theres no breaking dawn parties in the UK =[
i havnt read the host but i will do :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Edward because he is the best for Bella!! She is a part of him, and he is a part of her ;)

Bella is a bit immature for my taste but it is easy to step into her shoes!.

I'm not going to the party but I'm picking up my book right when Borders opens again! (9!?)

I didn't read it, but I think I will ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

ummm yes i love twilight omg and i cant wait for the movie to ocme out yaya

1edward cause hes the main character hes hottt hes a vampire hes sweet
2yes i like bella for the main character
3no im not going to a breaking dawn party
4i love it to lol Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob or Edward and why!? Edward!. I like him more and Jacob's a brat!.
Do you like Bella as the main character!? Yes!
Is anyone going to a Breaking Dawn party!? No, I'm not old enough to drive!.
I haven't read the host!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Team jacob
I like her as a main character but I hate her dicisions and her personaltiy
No in germany isn't a release party :'-(
I didn't read itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Edward he's gorgeous and a vampire!!!
No, she can't pick between the 2 guys which is kinda mean!.
No!. :[ Parent's won't buy me the book!!!
Never read the Host!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


There's about a million and one questions like this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward, because he isn't immature
Not really she does annoy me sometimes, like how she can't make up her mind
I want to
I haven't read it yet, but I plan toWww@QuestionHome@Com

Edward definitely!!!

Bella is a good main character but I would like to see Edward's point of view

I wish I was going to a Breaking Dawn party

I haven't read the hostWww@QuestionHome@Com

No I actually think they are horrid!.
And I also think Meyers editor should be shot for not ripping up her manuscript when she first saw it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

edward- simply cause he loves her (though i like jacob too)
no!. i hate her
no, but im going to the release
i havent read itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Team Edward all the wayWww@QuestionHome@Com

this has been posted many times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No i don't , i think its pretty unrealistic Www@QuestionHome@Com


i luv them too!. like alotWww@QuestionHome@Com