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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I am trying to make a character for my book. I wanna see what they look like! HE

Question: I am trying to make a character for my book!. I wanna see what they look like! HElp!
I just want to see what they look like! If you know of any great websites where i could create a person online to see what she looks like according to my description!. Please not like an M&M site or anything dumb like that, I've already tried Meez and there's not really anything on games2girls!.com!. thanks for ur help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Welcome to my life!. I'd love to be able to see what my characters look like!. The closest I've come is by drawing my characters based on what I see in my head!. I'm not a brilliant artist, but I can get a basic idea of what they look like!.

Another option you could try if you're open to a lot of studying, is finding some kind of CGI (Computer Generated Images) program, such as Poser!. From there, you can create virtually every aspect of your characters, and see them on the screen!.

Hope this helps!


Well now, howsabout you give us a written description and character study of this lady and we might be able to suggest (say) an actress who we think would be closest!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Can't you just imagine the character in your head!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try creating an avatar to that description!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know, you could just use Yahoo! Avatars!. It works perfectly fine!. I hope i helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com