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Question: Breaking dawn!?!?!?
what do you think will happen in breaking dawn for those of you who have read the twilight series!? i don't think stephanie meyer will make it predictable so i have no idea! any guesses!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i hope bella will marry edward and become a vampire, i dread that something will happen that tanya and jacob will team up and crush the wedding, i fear that something will happen like bella is turned into a vampire and then jacob kills edward so bella has to spend all of eternity alone, idk, anything could happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have already answered a !? like this so I just copied my answer!.

Here is what I think (and hope) will happen
Bella and Edward will get married, So Bella can get her side of the deal, and become a vampire!. I think Jacob might come and ruin the wedding, or maybe imprint on someone!. Something with the volturi, the will probably come and force Bella to join them, because if she will become a vampire she will probably have a very interesting gift!. I'm really curious to see what happens when Bella is becoming a vampire, and how they describe the pain!. And I think Emmett will win the bet he has against jasper (how many people Bella will eat in the 1st year)ere is what I think (and hope) will happenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Bella and Edward will get married, that much is positive!.!.!. but other than that, I know that they will have to have some sort of war between the Wolves and the Cullens, and the Volturi might be involved somehow!.!.!.
Alec Volturi's power will be revealed, which is something that bothers me a lot, I REALLY want to know little details like this, I think that his power is that he can kill people with his mind in a way!.!.!. I'm not sure!.
And Bella's power as a vampire will be revealed, too!. I am extremely curious as to what that is!.
Jacob might end up trying to crash the wedding, but I highly doubt that much, but I think that even as a vampire he will still love Bella, which is hard to believe!. I hope he imprints, but I don't really think he will!.
Sorry that I'm not much of a help here, but I'm trying not to think too much about it, I'll go insane!. (More so than I already am, anyways!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok well you asked for a guess!. In my mind kinda have it what i hope the book will be like, but I don't think I can imagine something that I think will be well unbearbly good, and well unimaginable!. I think First the book will describe the effects of the announcement of Bella ad Edward's engagment have affected forks and then I think after(or perhaps before) the marriage but before Bella is a vampire some disaster will happen (involving jacob!?, or the volturi, or perhaps something completely unrelated) that keeps her form turning into a vampire and bella will start to stress out and Edward will probably go over board trying to protect her but eventually somehow in a really tense hair pulling OMG chapter Edward will turn Bella and a world disaster will be averted and jacob will imprint on someone totally un expected and charlie will start dating and wont be too lonely without Bella!.
Or something like that lol!. I can't even begin to imagine what Bella's power will be, but i think it will either be super amazing or she won't have one (I hope not but its a possibility perhaps intended to shock us)!. I am going insane waiting for the last book but at the same time i hope it never comes out!. Because its the last one!. This is probably stupid but i think I am depressed that its the last one!. After I'll only have the movie to look forward too!. and then they better make movies of all the books or I will trip out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bella and Edward stay together for sure (Meyer released it today)!. i hope Renee and Charlie find out what Edward and Jake are!. Bella will become a vampire!. Jacob is going to imprint on one of the vampires in Alaska (i wish he would imprint on Angela, but i really don't think he will)!. The Voltori will be involved somewhere in the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well of course no one really KNOWS what will happen but we can hope for certain things to!. For example I cant wait for their wedding, i want to see it really bad, and i want Edward to turn Bella in the book!. I was really sad she didnt get turned in the third one!. Im also anticipating if she'll have a special power or not!.!.!.then again she may not even be turned in the last book!. I just hope that she does!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go look this up in the search box and you'll get plenty of answers!.
Get your @$$ to a fansite!
Have you read the spoiler in EW!.com!?
All there is that Edward and Bella will get married early in the book and Jacob will get a happy ending!.

MIA - vampires can't have children! Stephenie said once they become a vampire their bodies are "frozen"!. Certain fluids don't flow anymore and if you trim your nail that's it!. It won't grow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i already know for a fact something will happen (if you go to ew!.com today you will see), but i won't give it away since i am respectful! haha!. but i really hope she turns into a vampire and that her and edward have little vampire children (if that's possible)!!! go edward!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think she might put a unexpected twist in the book!.
That no-one is expecting or even thinking of!.
She always makes it different then you expect!.
That's what I think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

edward and bella proboly get married, edward turns her into a vampire and, knowing her, the lovely blood sucking couple find some tragety that stops them from going to college because thats too boring for herWww@QuestionHome@Com

i hope that bella becomes a vampire, though i'm sure it'll be heartbreaking for jacob!.!.!.hope he comes back!. he was sorta cute, in a sorta teenage rebel way!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

Well I know that Bella and Edward will get married early in the story because Stephenie Meyer has said so!. I also think Jacob will imprint on someone, maybe a vampire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, Meyer says they will marry early in the book so I guess they might get married and she will become a vampire!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think the wedding will take place!.
i think bella will become a vampire!.

I LOVE JACOB THOUGH!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well SM released that bella and edward will get married!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Bella will become a vampire! well!.!. i hope anyways!!
I LOVE EDWARD CULLEN!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com