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Question: Want to know the most pathetic part!?
Price of Breaking Dawn, on sale with B&N membership: $13!.44

Price of any book in the B&N Classics volume: $4!.95 - $7!.95

Now it seems like there's just no excuse, right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Please, I wouldn't waste one dollar on those books!.
Classics should cost $13!.44, they are much better!. Twilight should be!.!.!. cheap!.
Twilight has no depth and the writing is horrid!. I felt like I was reading a book for babies when I read it!. I also hate romance too, so I guess that plays a part!.
But to answer your question, yes, it is pathetic that Twilight cost more than Classics!. What is this world coming to!!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're making money
off of a book
that is definitely going to sell!.

The classics have been out, and reprinted, and reprinted again, for a long time!.

Breaking Dawn is like Harry Potter seven!.
The world (or at least millions of teenage girls)
will go silent for a day
while they read!.

What's so terrible and unjust about that!?
So it's $13!.
It could be twenty to thirty-something like Harry Potter!.
And I'm sure you wouldn't be rephrasing your question about that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Breaking Dawn is brand new and coming out for the first time!. Of course it is going to cost more than a classic that has been reprinted again and again! Most B&N classics are paperback and certainly not the highest quality!. They are made to be affordable so that the masses can have access to the great works of literature!. $13!.44 is actually very cheap for a new hardcover that is sure to be on the besteller list!. I have paid much more for new releases of Michael Crichton novels!. So yes, there are several reasons, not excuses, for this difference in cost!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's called greed!. Some other romance authors who are wildly popular are now being moved to hardback for their new releases!. Case in point: Sherrilyn Kenyon!. From mass market she was moved to hardcover about two years ago!. *shrug*

Incidentally, my husband and I have been collecting the classics leatherbound, that's not cheap (some can go as high as $50)!. It all depends on how you want to get them: softcover so that you can carry them around or collector's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, there is also a good point in classics being so cheap: younger people can afford it!. Like myself, not so long ago I had no incomes, but I adore books, therefore I was happy as hell if I found Anna Karenina for 5$!. Now I buy much more books when I have money for them, and Im really happy that I dont have to leave half of my salary in the bookstore!. Though books, especially here in Lithuania, are VERY expensive, not to mention English books that are almost unaffordable for young people like me!. Therefore I believe its only good if you have such an opportunity to fill your bookshelves with such pieces of gold :) Lucky you :)

I once found Coetzee's Disgrace for less than 2$ in a bookstore - completely new!.

Only the first Twilight is translated into Lithuanian, and it costs ~20$ here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, most books I buy in the literature section do cost more than Twilight!.

But you do have a point!. Books with more depth should cost more!. From what I read, Meyer didn't do any research at all for her novels!.

EDIT: Actually, The Great Gatsby is considered a classic!. For a paperback version, I had to pay sixteen dollars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i totally agree, i only buy classic volume books from B&N, and any new books that come out that seem interestin i wait for my idiot friends to buy them so i can borrow them!.!.!.thats the way to do itWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's because Twilight is new and out in hardcover!.

And "Why all this drama in B&A!?", just so you know, your name speaks truth!. This entire Twilight/Anti-Twilight thing is just petty!.


I agree partly!. Though BD is hardly worth a dime, I like the fact that the classics cost less because then I can buy more of them!. :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

well breaking dawn is just being released
i think it will take some time before it gets to the lower priceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not to beat a dead horse, but I'm sure you've heard of 'Supply and Demand'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know right!. Books with depth should cost more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com