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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is anyone else sick of those stupid fangirls screaming and obsessing over Twilig

Question: Is anyone else sick of those stupid fangirls screaming and obsessing over Twilight!?
I know I am!. It's a shitastic book, that probably shouldn't have been made into a movie!. Don't get me wrong, the movie has potential, but people going batshit over Twilight is getting on my nerves!. I don't get why a book so atrocious and poorly written gets so much praise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As bad as the books are, I think the movie could actually be watchable, if not good!. The storyline is still silly, but at least the movie will do away with one of the most annoying aspects of the books, which is whiny, passive Bella's narration!.

That said, yes, I'm sick of the hype surrounding Twilight and Breaking Dawn!. I'm also sick of the girls (and, unfortunately, grown women who should know better) going on and on about how wonderful the series is!. No, it's not wonderful, or romantic!. Edward is manipulative and controlling; Bella is dull and unpleasant!. Stephenie Meyer's writing is clumsy and amateurish, and one sure sign of her incompetence as a writer is that it's taken her four fat volumes to tell a story that a truly skilled author could have told in one--the plot of the whole "Saga" is that thin!.

Whenever someone tells me that the Twilight series are the best books they've ever read, that tells me that they either don't read many books in the first place, or they only read trash if they do!. Otherwise, they'd see what a talentless, empty-headed hack Meyer is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally I think that some people may become a little too involved in it, but when you look at the diction and overall syntax of Stephenie you have to admit that she is an educated woman!. I think that this book has done some good for alot of people, the crazy fangirls may get annoying but lets look at it this way, THEY HAVE READ A BOOK!
it may not be a great shakespearian play or the works of Dickens or Bronte but for someone who 1) needs a break from extreme reading or 2) is new to being involed in reading a book or getting drawn in to the world of a book , it is a perfect read!.

I dont think that you have any right to demean the girls(or guys) who chose to read such a book!. I havent read through all of your post but I haven't found anythign about Harry Potter!. What do you have to say about that series!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not the technique what makes a romance book a hit, it's how the author manages to "hook" the reader!. This is something that we see over and over again in the genre!.

Meyer's style is pretty bad (and I am known for being VERY forgiving)!. However, she definitely managed to "hook" the majority of readers!. There is no rocket science in this!. Obviously she did something right even if her technique leaves a lot to be desired!.

Personally, I think the books are extremely overhyped and Twilight doesn't go past the "okay" (or C+) rating!. I haven't bothered with books 2 and 3 for that reason!. I will read the last one to see how she wraps this up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, the screaming is horrible!. Technically all I get is caps lock since I don't actually know anyone who read the books (besides myself), but still!. Annoying!.

I don't mind the questions so much as everyone else though!. I get two points from them at least, lol!. ^^ Ten in some cases when they're looking for a sane answer!.

Girls like pretty men!. Edward is the ultimate pretty man!.
Girls like sexy vampires!. Well, duh!.
Girls like romance!. Bella totally <3333 Edward!.
But most of all: girls like sparkles!!!!! lol!.

Most of the people reading Twilight aren't experienced readers, and so don't mind the quality of the writing!. also, putting it in first person makes it easier to disguise as just the way Bella thinks (though I always think in perfectly literary prose, lol)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At this point, I'm hoping the cliche will sate itself!. Then again, I hoped that at the height of Buffymania as well!.

Unfortunately more and more people seem to be vampire crazy, even HBO!. At least the mediocre local used paperback store has started shelving that sort of book in a seperate section!.

Why is it the male otaku at least seem to fracture into dozens of seperate obsessions, while the girls seem to all obsess over the same thing!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG like what is your like problem like Twilight is like the best book ever written like it is the best!. And Edward Cullen is like the perfect guy like a totally want my boyfriend to be like just like Edward like!.

P!.S!. I LOVE EDWARDWww@QuestionHome@Com

You sound like one of those people that just loves to rant about something they have no clue about!. Have you read it!? Well anyways, its pretty good, and after the books out I'd say 2 weeks and the questions will be more than cut in half!. By then we will all know Edward or Jacob, and they will all know what they wore to the midnight release!.

The questions getting annoying!? YES!. The books!? Never!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Actaully I am not sick, what's even more sicker is that pop stars and singers in china!. People scream all over!. I don't think it's annoying!. IF you think it's s*** then don'tr ead it! Why bother asking if anybody else is sick!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Hot vampire guy
2!. Sparkling things
3!. Emotionally manipulative romance

Every girl's wildest dreams come true, apparently!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am getting tired of all the yahoo answers sections being flooded with "twilight ! ahhh first chapter of breaking dawn" blah blah blah!.

i enjoyed the books but i dont understand why everyone is going all crazy!. its just a book chill people!.


Yes! Thank you for being one of the enlightened!. It's refreshing to see someone with a brain, and not these obsessive fangirls going "Weee, I wanna have sex with a dead body- because it sparkles!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree, dear Nessi!. ;D
It's terrible, I've no idea why it's so popular!. Aside from being utterly hilarious, of course!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hAVE YOU READ IT!?!?!? only an illiterate jerk would say that!!! its AMAZING its obvious you still need to step back and read something your level- the little train that could perhaps before you start criticizing art!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read the books, and I loved them!.!.!.I liked the way they alluded back to classical literature!. But I agree with you that some people take their Twilight obsession way too farWww@QuestionHome@Com

My sister is obsessed with Twilight at first it was alright but now it's just annoying!!!!!!!

but this is just my opinionWww@QuestionHome@Com

its the love between bella and edward thats amazing and captivates the readers and no i dont find them annoyingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Seeing as I just ate White Chocolate Strawberry yogurt, I think the lil half vamp/half hooman could have a pt!. here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Yes!. Teenage girl obsessions are often annoying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm looking forward to the movie scene where Edward is in the sun!. That's going to be very amusing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

*yawns* idk
we can dream ya knoe!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's all right people, we can survive this! we got through hp7 mania!. at least kids are reading actual books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. i think it's nice to see young girls with an enthusiasm for books, and it makes a change from them being hung up on pop stars etc!. To be keen on characters in books shows imagination, and i don't think it's something that should be discouraged!.

As for the book being 'atrocious' and 'poorly written' how on earth can it be when it is so enormously popular!? clearly the book is very WELL written, or it would not appeal to so many people!. A badly written book is a book that nobody wants to read, not a book that millions of people want to read!.

I remember reading in George macdonald Fraser's autobiography how when he was a schoolboy one of his teachers was talking about the 'Tarzan' books by Edgar Rice Burroughs, which were enormously popular at that time (the 1930s)!. Fraser's teacher said that he had tried to read one of these books,and thought what a terrible book it was and then he thought "No, that's nonsense, how can it be a terrible book when it has given such pleasure to so many people!?"

It reminds me also of a review of a book by the late Robert Ludlum, which was quoted in his obituary a few years ago!. the reviewer said that when he started reading the book, he thought it was absolutely awful "so i stayed up until 3 am to finish it" he said!. Exactly!. if a book makes you want to stay uo until 3am to finish it then it is not awful!.

How can any book that is as popular as Twilight be atrocious!? it may not be to your taste, but it is clearly to the taste of enormous numbers of people!. You may not share their taste, but that is just something you will have to live with!. You will find as you go through life that there will be many, many people whose tastes differ from yours!. Get used to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com