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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In the Twilight series, how do you feel about Quil imprinting on a two year old?

Question: In the Twilight series, how do you feel about Quil imprinting on a two year old!?
I know Jacob Black said it wasnt a romantic thing, but eventually it could be!. Am I the only one that was grossed out by this development!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Think of it this way:

They are soulmates meant to be together!. A werewolf imprints on the one that is right for them, irrespective of age!. That little baby is not suitable now, but she will grow up, be old enough to be able to become a mate in the full sense of the word, and they will be able to be together!. That's all it means!. They are soulmates!. They are bound by more than the physical!. That is what the soul mate concept is about and that's pretty much what this is about as well!. Nothing is going to happen at all UNTIL she is old enough!.

I've never had issues with this in any of the romance books I've read that have presented similar premises!. It's just a matter of thinking about it!. The concept of soulmates involves the emotional/spiritual as much as it involves the physical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought it was funny!. :D I can understand why some people would have a problem with it, though!. In terms of the book, it makes sense because of the whole "instantly finding your soulmate by imprinting" concept!. In terms of reality, a man with a 2 year old is just gross!. In terms of reality, it would be pedophila (that's one problem I have with this series!. It rationalizes so many things that in real life would be seen as horrible, such as controlling and overprotective boyfriends, breaking into a person's house to watch them sleep, kissing someone while you are in a relationship, lying to your parents, giving up being human, etc)!.

Look at it this way!.

Quil is only!.!.!. what!.!.!. 16 years older than Clarie at most!?
Edward, on the other hand, is 100 years older than Bella!.

Sooooooo if Quil and Claire are gross, Edward and Bella are the paragon of sick relationships!.

Anyways!. Point is!. Quil and Claire isn't any more freaky than Edward and Bella is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I found it a little disturbing, but they explained in the book that nothing would be done until she became of age and that the only thing she and others would notice is that she is well protected by Quil!. Bella was a bit appalled as well though if you remember!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At frist it kinda of shocked me, and I thought it was a little creepy!. But Jacob said it's not romantic yet, and he will be like a older brother!. I like the idea that he will always be there for her until she's ready!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's almost promoting pedophilia, to be honest!. Just my opinion!. And before you go saying that Meyer is a Mormon and would never do that, I haven't seen any evidence of her religion in her writing!. She could be a priestess of dark magic for all the effect it's had!. So there!. LuthienTWww@QuestionHome@Com

Meyer has tried to make stalking and being a control freak romantic, so why not pedophilia!? It's a logical progression of her skewed view of love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its a little weird, but I am not grossed out!. I think its fine, they aren't going to be romantically invovled until she's older anyway!.

I like the idea of soulmates!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its such a minuscule part of the Twilight series that I don't really care!.Www@QuestionHome@Com