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Question: Edward vs!. Jacob (BREAKING DAWN SPOILER)!?
so i was at ew!.com and stephenie meyer realesed a breaking dawn spoiler!.!.!. bella and edward get married, nice happy romantic wedding!!! i'm sooooooooo happy (i'm team edward) heres the link if you want to read what SM said

what team are you on!? Why!? and thoughs on the artical!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm not sure what you mean by what team are you on, but I'm happy Edward and Bella get married!. I don't think its suprising at all, since they were engaged at the end of Eclipse and she told Jacob how she felt and cried about it for awhile!. I think if you really pay attention at the end of Eclipse, you can tell that the writer's intentions were for Bella and Jacob's romantic relationship to be over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1st of all i never really understood how edward and bella fell in love it just sort of happened!. and all bella talks about is how much shes in love with edward but she never really says why, its kind of annoying at times!. bella talks about how she cant live without edward but she never tried too!. its like she was punishing herself and making herself miserable on purpose when edward left!. all she wants is to get turned into a vampire which i think is stupid because shes jsut a teenager and doesnt know what she wants she doesnt even think and she will regret it!. edward at times is annoying!. i know he loves bella and would never hurt her but hes a bit over protective and not much fun!. all he talks about is how much he loves bella and bla bla!. jacob however is the only reason i finished reading new moon and eclipse!. he is so much fun and outgoing!. he also cares about bella but i think its unfair to him that bella was leading him on!. she doesnt understand and does take everything for granted!. i just feel bad for jacob but he will be ok!. bella however is making the worst mistake of her life by throwing her life away for a "bloodsucker" she will regret it for sure!. she would be much better off with jacob but hey its her mistake!. i also think jacob knows more about bella then edward does, edward thinks hes know everything about bella and whats best for her but he doesnt!.
TEAM JACOBWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm sorry but I really don't want to read the spoiler because that's no fun for me!! But I am a team Jacob!. Because he is the most normal and he makes Bella happy and he makes her feel good about herself!. Edward is cool too I guess!. But I'm team Jacob!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am totally on team edward!. here is a list of 101 reasons why he is WAY better then Jacob:
I didn't write it, but I totally agreeWww@QuestionHome@Com

It was obvious Bella and Edward were going to get married
I really hoped she would say something else
I just hope the book ends well
with everyone happy especially Jacob cause I feel sorry for him
I ? both Edward and Jacob!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

im team edward too!.!.!. but they said that was just the
begining of the story!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. dun dun dun!.
they said theres still gunna be unexpected shockers!
can't wait for the release!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you running a survey!? Not that I would protest to that at all!.!.!.!.!.but if you can, tally up the team allegiances- I'm curious to see how this one ends!Www@QuestionHome@Com

team switzerlandWww@QuestionHome@Com

Always Team Edward!!
I'm sooo glad that Edward and Bella will be getting married in Breaking Dawn!Www@QuestionHome@Com

team EDWARD!!<33 sorry too long to write whyy!Www@QuestionHome@Com