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Question: The Nessie/Amazonian Vampires/Charlie-Sue Debacle!?
As anyone who has been tracking the Breaking Dawn leak situation knows, that annoying rumor has been circulating around FAST!. I know all the lame EW spoilers and etc, but what do you guys think!? Is the whole "person-reads-epilogue-in-airport" story any good!?

PS - If you don't know what I'm talking about, spare us the reprimand and "just wait" advice!. This is for people who actually blog about this stuff and need to know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think that most of it is true, at least, though I don't really know (nor do I care) about the whole Charlie/Sue thing, though it doesn't seem unlikely!.
It comes out in like 4 days, doesn't it!? Can't you just chill for that long!? (stupid question, I know)
Send me songs! I'll do the twi-searching for a while while you do that!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know anything for sure, but if you blog about this you can write something like:

A member of a community on www!.livejournal!.com has written a post on a Breaking Dawn leak!. In her post, a friend had found it being sold and bought it!. The user posted pictures of her friend holding the Breaking Dawn book!. (but it could be just a publisher's copy or a very clever fraud) She also claims that there a character called Nessi or Nessie, Edward and Bella's daughter, and other things!. This has been widely denounced since Meyer has confirmed that vampires cannot have babies!. Meyer has not confirmed or denied this claim!. We'll just have to wait and see!. For the full story see www!.livejournal!.com - The Twlight Community!.

I really hope it's true!. (not because I like that ending but!.!.!. it would be funny!.) I'm from the livejournal community where it originated from and the girl who posted it gave her 100% word that she was telling us the truth!. of course that's not worth much on the internet!.!.!. but I want to believe in the Loch Nessie Monster!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If this is for people who 'blog about it' and 'need to know' why don't you go over to a Twilight Forum!? I'm sure it's filled with bloggers and people who need to know!. This forum is for books and authors!. Not rumors about spoilers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com