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Question: Dream sequence- please read and help!?
So, a while ago, I posted the intro to my just finished book on here!. This is another dream sequence from chapter two!. I want people to tell me what is wrong with it!. I'm thirteen and I am not the best writer in the world!.

That night, I had a different nightmare from my regular plane crashing and parents dying nightmare!.
I ran through the grassy plain into the deep, soundless forest!. Nothing moved anywhere and no animal made its presence noticeable!. A cricket started chirping!. Water slashed to the ground one drop at a time somewhere nearby!. I listened and concentrated closely incase that meant a way out was nearby!.
The wind whistled passed my ears as I scrambled aimlessly through the thick trees and undergrowth!. Everything looked the same everywhere and I didn’t know if I was going in circles!. The massive leaves of the trees blocked out the night sky!.
My breath shot out unevenly and my hands trembled as I dashed around, searched for an escape through the green and brown maze!. My blue jacket flapped open and an unexpected breeze of dreamy warm air passed through my shirt!.
Then, my arm hairs rose and goose bumps erupted on my arms!. Everything remained exactly as before, but I suddenly felt unwillingly anxious!. The water stopped dripping!. The cricket stopped chirping!. My breath quickened as I stopped between two moss- covered trees!. Someone was there!. I felt it with my instinct!. There were a pair of eyes watching my every move from somewhere- I just needed to know where!.
I closed my eyes as Mom’s voice played in my head, telling me to run!. He was closer!.
Who is he!? I asked through my thoughts!. Mom didn’t answer!.
“Don’t be afraid, Emma!. I just want to talk to you,” The sickly sweet voice whispered to me from an unknown location!. I turned around, searching for any sign of movement!. I jerked back to my regular position and froze, listening intently!.
“Where are you!?” I screamed with a shrill voice!. Vibrations echoed off of the trees and back to me!. A chuckle came to me from my right!. I pierced my eyes through the trees, trying to see what was not there!.
“Oh Emma, you’re trying too hard!. You’re going to hurt yourself,” a voiceless murmur spoke though the wind!.
“What do you mean!?” I gasped, feeling unintentionally curious!.
“I am not that easy to get rid of!. You don’t have to worry anyway!. I just need to tell you some things!.” The familiar leather shoe appeared from behind a tree, not twenty feet away from me!. I snapped my eyes shut, so I wouldn’t have to see his face!.
“Open your eyes,” he spoke calmly, sending the regular shiver down my spine!. I kept them closed!. “I said OPEN YOUR EYES!” He screamed with rage pouring out in his voice!. I couldn’t help it!. The voice just lured me to it!. I opened them and saw him once again about a yard away from me!.
He smiled, curling his gray lips up!. I jumped back, shocked at his appearance and screamed!.
Panting, I looked around me!. There I was, back to home sweet home in my bed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it would be water sloshed to the ground not slashed,and when you say back to home sweet home, just say in my warm bed or something like that!. home sweet home sounds weird when used in that context!.
other than that it is really good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com