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Question: Twilight question- writing style!?
Okay, so I've noticed that alot of people on here don't like Stephanie Meyer's writing style!. I realized as I read the books that we have similar writing styles, so I need info on what is liked about her writings, what is hated and what could be improved!.!.!. descriptions, characters, word choice, emotions!.!.!. All of it so I could improve!. If you say she writes like a middle schooler, you should know that I am one, but I would like to improve!. ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
She needs to widen her vocabulary for one thing!. She uses the same words over and over again and it gets quite annoying!.

Her writing is very cluttered for another thing!. She uses ten words to describe something that could be described with three!.

Her characters really really need some help!. Almost every main character is a Mary Sue!. Edward Scored a 120 on the official Mary Sue litmus test and Bella got a 90!. Stephenie Meyer does not know how to write good characters!. They are unrelatable!. She makes them so perfect that it just because too much!. She says Bella’s tragic flaw is her lack of self knowledge!. The only problem with that is that it’s not an actual flaw!.

She needs to focus less on Edward's beauty and Bella's clumsiness and give them personalities!. Honestly the only personality I could come up with for Bella is bitchy and whiney!. She made me want to claw my eyes half the time and strangle her the other half!. Every little thing made her freak out except the one thing that should!. Edward hears her talking in her sleep and she freaks out but the moment she finds out Edward is a vampire she just sort of shrugs it off as he just told her his favorite color!. Edward's personality ranges from creepy stalker to bipolar nutcase!. He watches Bella sleep which is creepy, and then every couple of sentences he gets angry or talks about being killed!.

The Dialog in this book is just plan awful!. I mean common ne teen would ever ever ever say "Holy Crow!" or "Before you my life was like a moonless night!." I mean I am all for being romantic but come on that’s just corny!.

She focuses so much on descriptions that it gets very repetitive!. She describes Edward more than 165 times in the first book alone!. Honestly that’s just too many!. I do not need to be told his voice is velvet every time he says something just like I don’t need to be told about his topaz eyes every three sentences!.

Edit- For those who are commenting with Twilight is a best seller so the writing style must be good, you should know that being a best seller does not make it good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally I find Stephenie's writing style very enticing!. Her heavy use of description but in it's sort of casual way pulls the reader -into- the story, rather than have them skimming the pages of a book!. Her descision to write in first person also helps the reader relate to Bella and feel her emotions on a much more personal level!. Think of New Moon; would you, or anyone, have been as heavily impacted by her depression if you were picturing the story from the outside!?

Her books are thick, yes, because of her extensive use of background and insight!. But on a more material basis, don't you see a thicker book as being a more worthwhile read than a thinner one!? While she isn't the best writer whose works I've read before, the way she weaves the story is kind of enchanting!. The story itself is probably one of the best and most deeply unsettling (again, think New Moon) of those that I've read, however!. So I guess as much as it's the writing style, it's what your story (the plot, character, etc) that influences it too!.

She's majorly successful, and based on that success I don't think many can criticize the way in which she writes!. As long as you've got a good story line, I don't see much of a problem with your own writing style!. And seeing as you're still in middle school (I'm just a bit older than you) your skills have time to develop!. Good luck =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just as I read, I noticed that some of her words didn't exactly fit!. It seemed like she was throwing in 'big" words to make the book seem like it's on a higher level, but really didn't blend in well with!.

I don't know!.!.!.sometimes as I read it really was bland and didn't make me as excited as the scene should have been presented!. For example, the time where Victoria was killed!. Everything was leading up to that, but it didn't pull me in with the way it ended!. Maybe it wasn't suppose to be that exciting in the end, but I expected more and it fell short!.

She also didn't connect her work!. She talked about how Bella asked Edward about marriage in book 1 and how it would be like if they both married but by book 3 she made Bella not want to be married!. It contradicted what she said in book 1!.

I guess that's not really a style but just some stuff that irked me while reading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She is a very good storyteller, but not a very sophisticated writer!. Her characters are a little stereotypical (Mary Sue's as they're called)!. When she describes things it is often an "info dump", mean you're supposed to work describing things into the plot not just throw a bunch of info at the reader!.

If you're only in middle school then don't worry!. You still have a lot of time to work on it!. Get a teacher, parent, or older sibling who likes to read to critique your work!. Good luck in your writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally really like her writing style!.

I think what I like most is, while its simple, its very personable and pulls you quickly, and steadfastly into Bella's character!. You get a feel for who she is through the way it's written, BELLA'S thoughts and descriptions!.

She writes in the way I offten talk!.

However with anything you're going to have people who do and don't like it!. Write the way you want to, if the story's good enough people will read it regardless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Her characters have the personalities of wooden figures!. Heck, a wooden figure could be more charming!.
2!. Everyone is self-pitying and overdramatic!.
3!. It is plain!. She repeats phrases!. She calls it a "Saga"!.
4!. Her female lead is pathetic and her male lead dominating!.
5!. Every third sentence is something like "!.!.his eyes were so beautiful it felt as if my soul was trembling upon the wings of a butterfly melting in their topaz depths of beauty and awe!." Please!. Spare me!.

I'm sure your writing is awesome!. Don't be cowed by the public demand for vampires; write something unique and good luck!.


i think she has a great vocabulary also when people say she writes like a middle schooler its because of the audience she is pointing it towards the words that trigger our emotions its pointed toward young adults and teenagers of course its not going to be written like the new york times that would make half of the readers not be able to understand it and it would be frustrating instead of enjoyableWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like Stephenie's writing style!

Twilight became a bestselling book, so why would you side with the few people who dont like it, when there are more who do!?

There will always be a few poeple who dont like something but they are usually a smaller group!.

You should continue to write the way you normally write regardless of what other poeple think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love her writing styleWww@QuestionHome@Com