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Question: Treaty question from eclipse!?
Remeber in Eclipse when Bella has the party at the Cullen's house and Jacob shows up with his friends!. I didn't think that they could do that because in New Moon when Alice comes back Jacob says that they cant come up there and protect her because of the treaty!. If you know if this is aginst the treaty or not let me know!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

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in eclipse, when the cullens were on their land, the wolves attacked them!

so why is it any different for jake and the dog!.!.!.!.!.i mean wolvles to come on the vampires side!

he wasn't even invited!Www@QuestionHome@Com

its not vampire land it's Forks!. the vampires couldn't go on the reserve cause that was the werewolf territory, but the rest of the city is whose ever!.

so it is okay for Jacob to come to the party, but not okay for vampires to go to the reserve!.

so basically no, its not against the treaty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok obviously you did not read new moon that well!. If a vampire bites a human then they broke the treaty and the werewolfe will be after them!. So you know how bella wants to be a vampire!? Well if edward or whoever changes her into a vampire then the werewolves will come after her!. Because they broke the treaty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the vampires and werewolves both kind of cheat on the treaty every once in a while!. The wolves will do something so the vampires will do something too and say that it makes it even!. Then the vampires will do something and the wolves will do something to make it fair!. Something kind of like that!. I'm not entirely sure!. That's a good question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob went to the party at the Cullen's house because Bella invited him!. Though I don't think she meant for him to take it literally!. So I think with an invitation he would be aloud to go!. Because if you think about it in Eclipse don't all the werewolves come on the Cullen's land to train for the young vampires!?
Hope I was of help ^w^Www@QuestionHome@Com

i thought that too! haha but!.!.!.!.!.
jacob was invited to the party by bella, but that was before he kissed her
so she thought he would get the idea that she didnt want him there, but he pretty much didnt care!.!.!. so he went!.
and since bella DID invite him, i dont think any of the cullens ( even edward) would care!.!. because edward did say that bella could do what ever she wanted!.!. so i guess he was like ok w!.e!. she invited them, she invited them!.!.!.
you know!?
idk hope i helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think so bella invited jacob to the party this was before jacob decided too kiss her so she prety much said you can come overWww@QuestionHome@Com

What a good question lol!. -stars-

Well, I thought this too, but then Bella did invite him, and the Cullens couldnt have cared if she invited him, ya know!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, because Bella invited Jacob to the party!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jake was invited by Bella to come!.Www@QuestionHome@Com