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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Do you think the Twilight movie will be a blockbuster?

Question: Do you think the Twilight movie will be a blockbuster!?
I'v been just wondering about if if the upcoming Twilight movie will be a blockbuster and weather it will help to promote the books and increase their sales!. The first Harry Potter movie had a huge impact on the sales and popularity of the book and do you think the same thing will happen to Twilight!. At least I hope so!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Of course!. The fanbase for the books is HUGE!. Currently, there are over 5!.5 million copies of books in the twilight series worldwide!. And anyway, the trailers look fantastic! And who wouldn't want to see a movie about a superhot vampire and an epic romance beyond selfishness or anything else for that matter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it won't be a blockbuster!. of course the fans will go see it, but the fanbase is nowhere as big as Harry Potter, and most people outside of the fanbase have not even heard of Twilight (or are annoyed by how often they hear about it when they're not interested!.)

the trailers don't really hold much appeal for people who haven't read the books, so I don't think it's going to bring in many people who aren't fans of the books!.

I'm not saying that it won't do somewhat well (especially since it is a low budget film), but it won't come anywhere near "blockbuster" status!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally, as much as I love to watch movies, you can't beat reading the the actual book of whatever movie it is, so I do not think the movie will be a patch on how good i think the books are!. However, there are so many fans of Twilight who will go to see it no matter how bad it turns out, just as they can say they have, therefore, they might bring they're friends who have never read it, who will then begin to read it, and so the books become more and more popular!.

However, I do not think it will become a blockbuster as I do not think the film looks all that good, but I will see it anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure actually; a lot of my friends who love Twilight say that they will hate the movie if it is at all different from the book!. Since it is impossible to make it exactly the same, I think they're going to be disappointed!. At least some of the Twilight fans will probably only see it once, be disappointed and not go again!.
For me personally, I will never pay money to go see it (I don't want my money supporting this franchise), but I may end up sneaking in and making fun of the movie, haha!. Just kidding, I just won't see it!.
It might increase popularity of the books, or else the people who already didn't read it will just wait for the next movie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well already the upcoming twilight movie has had a big impact on the books, Because of this movie a lot more people have decided to actually pick the books up and read them!. If you ask me though the movie doesn't even look that good but still tons of people are going to be flooding the theaters to see it!. I also will be one of those people but im not getting my hopes up about the movie!.

edit-- I doubt the movie will be as big as harry potter, first off harry potter has a much bigger fan base and its popular among any group of people unlike twilight which is mainly popular with girls!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the fans will make the tickets sell but if it is like most other book based movies the fans will be a bit disappointed!. This has nothing to do with the book specifically but its a fact that many book based movies tend to be a poor representation of the books themselves!. I cannot say whether or not it will be a block buster but I do think it will do well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

DUH!!!!!! of COURSE twilight will be a blockbuster!!!! i mean, there are at LEAST a million people who read it and luv it,right!? just because of that you can be sure that the movie will be a total blockbuster!.

actually, (no offense to HP luvers) i think that twilight willbe even bigger than HP!. one hint i get from this is that the movie will be a total blockbuster is that one of my friends, berrygirl, has seen the trailer for it at least 20 times,and that was on friday!!! if u asked her,she could totally recite the whole trailer without any help!.

any way, yeah, twilight will be a totalblockbuster!!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well a lot of people are still discovering the Twilight Saga and the sales are picking up!. Considering the debut this Saturday for Breaking Dawn and Stephenie is basically the "Next J!.K!. Rowling" I think since the books are such a big deal that it could end up being like Harry Potter but it is just based on the Twilight books, so I hope it will be a blockbuster but we all need to wait and see the movie to find out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well its impossible for the movie to capture all the intricacies of the book, that much we all know, for anyone who has followed the series as serious fans are likely to be disappointed by the movie, i mean look at the trailers, they just dont say "Twilight" they dont have the magic that the book does!.
so inevitably it will do one of two things- if the movies is ok then it may inspire many to go and read the book if not then they will denounce it as just another vampire novel and tell all their friends it was stupid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that it will be for all the Twilighters because they love they book so much that they will go to see the movie wether it sucks or not!. I don't think that many people who haven't read the book will go to see it!. I honestly don't think the movie will be that good, at all!. But I have to see it anyway!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I definatley think the movie will bring in more fans and more people will want to read the books!.!. however as far as it being a blockbuster I am unfortunately going to have to say no!! As far as I can see the book was much better!! But who knows maybe it will be!.!.hopefully I'm wrong and it is!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it will be, because the Twilight series has a huge fan base, and most of the fans are dying to see the movie! I can't wait to see it, but I don't really know if it will beat the Dark Knight's box office record!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably!. The book has so many fans, and most of them will see the movie no matter how bad they think it'll be!.

And yes, I think it probably will!. A movie will get many people interested in the books!.


Yes, because its the same situation as Harry Potter!. And the book are very very popular and liked among a lot of people so book fans are also the movie fans so yes, i also hope so too! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

yea it will beWww@QuestionHome@Com
