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Question: What do you like about romance novels!?
What makes a proper romance novel, in which, you fall in love with and relate really well with the main characters!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
its about a normal weedy girl finding the ONE!. its the fantasy of believing that there is someone out there for all of us!. its the relationship between the couple that u want to last!. you want them to be together!. you want them to be happy!.the main characters are always realistic but they can border fantasy!. like a muscular man with a great personality!. its easy to believe when reading than say a man who tidies up after himself LOL!.

wouldnt ti be nice if there was romance about a guy finding his girl!. a weedy guy!. instead of the other way round!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally its about the sub plot, a good romance novel has to have something else going on around it!. Prime example Pride and Prejudice, Lydia and Mr wickham, stirs up trouble and affects the length of time the reader has to wait until finally Mr Darcy and Lizzy declare their mutual love!.
The characters also have to be believable, and relatable to the audience!. It gets boring hearing about perfect size 8 long haired long legged women falling in love, having a character with substance and humour goes along way!. also if the target audience is for example England, then making the characters English helps as for me i find i have to look up alot of information on wikipedia if its about a country i don't know as well as my own lol!. An author who gets this really right is Sophie Kinsella!.
Sex is good but not essential!. Sometimes it gets to much hearing about throbbing manhoods!
Finally the most important thing is making the love that the main characters have for each other something that seems like it will last!. Having characters fall for each other over a course of three days is too much, when a novel is drawn out and love grows naturally it seems more believable!. The odd argument thrown in really helps this as it shows that no relationship is perfect!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I mostly love the sex!. I read tons of paranormal romances (and some vanilla ones) and it's a pretty prevalent aspect!.

But that's not what makes them memorable!. I've read and enjoyed tons but there aren't that many that I hold onto!.

It's hard to quantify what makes one book stand out over the others!. I'm sure part of it is a heroine that I can relate to, and of course a hero who appeals to me!. I prefer male characters who don't appear to have been written by a woman, but neither do I want a neanderthal (sorry Geico guys)!.

I guess it all starts with good writing, likeable and relatable characters and a happy ending!. Or at least a promise of more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well the characters must be very realistic and have some special unspoken bond!. There must be mystery in their love for one another and the feeling of protection and sometimes jealousy!. Explain in detail everything that goes on between them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't read too many, but I do love Marianne Stillings!. I think it's because I write crime fiction and she manages to weave crime into her romance novels, and she always has good looking cops who get the bad guy and the girl! Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Good detail of places and looks! I like it when i can really imagine what the characters look like! I think that is one of the reasons the Twilight series is so popular!Www@QuestionHome@Com

arguments and something happens to make two people to fall in love and make them closer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love them, they're the best kind of booksWww@QuestionHome@Com