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Question: Twilight fans: Edward Cullen!?
Why do so many people adore him!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That's easy!. We're girls!. Perfection is what we look for!.

My reason is that he's so in love with Bella, he's willing to sacrifice his own happiness for hers!. He wanted so badly for her to be happy and lead a normal life, he took himself out of the picture!. Granted, it failed miserably, but, c'mon, how was he suposed to know she wouldn't just forget about him!? I also think that the way he always gives her the option (him or Jacob) is sweet!. Most guys are always saying 'pick me! I'm so much better!'!. But all Edward's ever said was "pick who you want and be happy!." It shows true selflessness!.

A lot of people call him abusive!.!.!.but he's not!. He's just a bit protective!. I'm sure if they all had super strength and could possible mutilate the one person they truly love just by touching them, they'd be a bit overprotective too!. And of course he's going to go a little nuts when his finacee starts hanging around his mortal enemies!.

That's why i like him!. He puts his love first!. Always!.

?Graceful Little Alice?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm I'm unsure myself!.!.!. I read the first two books in a day, I was addicted and I admit, I thoroughly adored Edward Cullen!. Alas, I am attracted to odd men in films and literature!. The Phantom of the Opera/Erik, for example, is a mass- murdering psychopathic stalker, among other things, yet I, as well as countless other women, find him highly attractive!.!.

For the same reasons, I find Edward attractive!. The moody arrogance is incredibly sexy, but the way he loves Bella more than anything, is just so!.!.!. Beautiful!

Yes, I'm a foolish girl, of twenty, but I'm romantic!. All i want is a man to love me above all else, to protect me!.

I guess the percentage whom read these books are romantic young girls, thus Edward is this way, and thus, the girls adore him!.!. We are silly creatures it seems!.

I did fancy all the male vampires though, it's a vamp thing!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ahhh, Edward Cullen!. The book character that has girls all over the world raising their standards for their next boyfriend!.
Edward Cullen is on the outside, a model!. A gorgeous face, body, and mesmerizing eyes!.
On the inside, he is a sweet, charming guy who would bend over backwards for the girl he loves!. He says the sweetest things that make your heart melt!.

oh, and did I mention he's a musician!? Yea he plays the piano!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know people say he's a controlling stalker!!! But it's sweet!. He loves her and it's a good think he was creeping in her room because he heard her say his name which is when he realized he wanted to be with her!!! and hes only controlling when it comes to her safety and when she really wants something (like to go visit Jacob) he lets her!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why NOT adore him!? Have you read the series!? He's PERFECT!!!!!!!! (Literally) If you really want to know why people love him so much read the series!. He's like the most gorgeous guy in the universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (if he excised!.) Read the series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm reading that book right now, it's amazing!!! People adore him because he's different and he talks really propper, and he's supposedly beautiful!. He's also got the appeal of the bad guy being nice!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because he's a controlling, too-perfect, dominant, boring husk of a guy and apparently those qualities are attractive to women nowadays!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He's everyones dream guy!. Sweet, romantic, funny, sarcastic, smart, and a real gentlemen!.!.!.and hed do anything to protect Bella!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think because he's supposed to be the "prefect guy," the perfect person really lol, it's hard to explain!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he's so romantic in the story
and he's willing to do absolutely anything to make bella happyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I mean okay he's kinda perfect but that is the reason I just like him!.He's just too perfect!.
I adore jacob black ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because he is a vampire and is very hot and romantic in the story!.



Because he's kind, sweet, funny, beautiful and polite!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I'm Team Edward so everyone assumes I love him but I just think he's perfect for BellaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Cause he's sweet and strong! He's perfect for Bella!.

Only 5 days till Breaking Dawn!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they can't see past him charm!.

he is the ideal guy we wish we hadWww@QuestionHome@Com