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Question: I suck at writing storylines!.!.!.help!?!!?
OK, I'm gonna give you a vague idea (please don't make fun of me!.!.!.seriously) of what I'm writing about!. It's a sort of sequel to this vampire story I did last summer, in the first one four siblings (all teenagers, very young) try to defeat a vampire lord, but they fail, of course!. They manage to get away with the help of the vampire's servant, who betrays his master at the last minute!. I know it sounds stupid!. But the servant makes them promise him that they will never again set foot on their land!.

Anyway, in the sequel, the children have grown up and are strong fighters now, the two main characters (the twins) are eighteen, and the main main character is arranged to marry a man she hates!. I'd divulge more, sure, but I don't think it's necessary!. The problem here is, what is a good plotline to get her to go back to where the vampire lives, and defeat him once and for all!? I mean!.!.!. yeah!.

I know it sounds stupid!. No need to point it out to me!. But I still like writing, so!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
maybe the man she is marrying is really a vampire, just trying to get her to change her ways, and maybe she gets pregnant and has to go back to the original vampire before the baby is born and kill him!.

And maybe on the way there, she learns that she cant resist his charm and that the baby is actually is in the first place, and the two twins have to stop her from falling in love with him and to defeat him at the same time!.

try and pick up things from the vampire movies, and use ideas they never even thought of!. make it ''Original''

yh i like the idea of making up stories i used to do it, we have to make use of our imagination some time dont we hannah!.I like people who write stores it inspires me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com