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Question: I need an idea for a new pet book!?
I am going to write a book about pets but i haven't got a clue what about so if you could come up with an idea and a title I would be extremely grateful!. If you need to know this book will be inspired by Jaqueline Wilson and will be for children!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We left our cat, Toby, at a cat sitters home as we went on vacation!. Toby had a room by himself on the second floor of this home, window with a view!. Perfect! 6 hours into our trip the sitter called!.!.!.!.!.Toby pushed on the screen and fell two stories and then bolted into the near by wooded gulley!.

We turned the car around and headed back to find Toby!.

Fast forward 17 days!.!.!.!.!.(lots to share between time of loosing Toby and finding Toby) we found Toby 17 days later 2 miles from where he bolted!. We spent everyday at least 1 to 2 times per day driving across town looking for Toby in an area we did not live!. We were relentless!. Everyone in the neighborhood and surrounding area were looking!.

My wife's name is Diane of which Toby is very attached to!. Name!.!.!."Looking for Diane!. 17 days on the road"!.

I was just sharing this story with a friend!. The emotion was intense when Toby was found!. Even people in the neighborhood were crying with joy! Want more details!? Ask!.

Maybe there is an idea for the book here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com