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Position:Home>Books & Authors> ` DECEPTION as REALITY - [ books ]?

Question: ` DECEPTION as REALITY - [ books ]!?
I am doing a research project for my english class and need books, movies, plays, poems and the like that have a theme of


a short explination of this is; People are lied to greatly!.

: ]

A list would be GREAT!
THANKS HEAPSWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1984 by george orwell

Brave New World by Alodus Huxley

The Island (movie) directed by the same guy who did transformers!.!.!.i think!.

also, if you go to borders!.com or something and type in either of those two books, i'm sure they'd give you a 'similar books' list that would be helpful!.

hope that gets you started!.Www@QuestionHome@Com