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Question: Twilight people: So!.!.!. Edward or Jacob!?
Who does Bella TRULY belong with!.!.!.!. And why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Edward!!! Because he truly loves her and would do anything to make her happy, even let her leave him for someone else!. Jacob is not mature enough for Bella, he tricks her and will do stuff even if it hurts her to make himself happy!. Not that I have anything against Jacob, I don't think he does it on purpose!. But Edward and Bella belong together, she is the one thing that makes him happy and vise versa!. Bella loves Jacob, but can't live without Edward, she finds that out in New Moon!.
Hope I was of help ^w^Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read Breaking Dawn already!. In it, Stephanie Meyer has include cloning and accidentally Edward and Jacob both try to clone themselves at once and get merged together as Jakeward Blullen, the first vampire werewolf!. Unfortunately, this makes him a bit simple and he sort of bumps into walls and drools a lot!. Bella stops hanging out with werewolves and vampires and starts dating a normal guy from her school called Dave McDave who likes collecting baseball cards!. Then Bella joins a local tennis club, becomes a professional tennis player and wins the French Open and Wimbledon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know he is TOTTALY going to imprint on tanya!!!!!!!!! AND I REALLY WANT HIM TO! and she belongs with edward, but im team switzerland<3 but edward definetly belongs with bella her sent and her imunity to his power they are ACTULLY ment to be to together, they are specialy made for eachother!
but i want jacob to end up with leah or tanya, but i think it would be cool if it was tanya becuase it would be a werewolf with a vampire and they could all live happily ever after<3Www@QuestionHome@Com

1st of all i never really understood how edward and bella fell in love it just sort of happened!. and all bella talks about is how much shes in love with edward but she never really says why, its kind of annoying at times!. bella talks about how she cant live without edward but she never tried too!. its like she was punishing herself and making herself miserable on purpose when edward left!. all she wants is to get turned into a vampire which i think is stupid because shes jsut a teenager and doesnt know what she wants she doesnt even think and she will regret it!. edward at times is annoying!. i know he loves bella and would never hurt her but hes a bit over protective and not much fun!. all he talks about is how much he loves bella and bla bla!. jacob however is the only reason i finished reading new moon and eclipse!. he is so much fun and outgoing!. he also cares about bella but i think its unfair to him that bella was leading him on!. she doesnt understand and does take everything for granted!. i just feel bad for jacob but he will be ok!. bella however is making the worst mistake of her life by throwing her life away for a "bloodsucker" she will regret it for sure!. she would be much better off with jacob but hey its her mistake!. i also think jacob knows more about bella then edward does, edward thinks hes know everything about bella and whats best for her but he doesnt!.
TEAM JACOBWww@QuestionHome@Com

Idk!. Considering that Edward is really an old man with a young woman, it's kinda sick!. But he really is just a young person who got old, and he loves Bella unconditionally!. Jacob is SOOOOOOOOOO immature and he has attitude problems, but he seems real!. Edward is too perfect all the time!. I'm kinda on the fence here!.

If you like Twilight check out my story on fanfiction!.net and review it!
Link: http://www!.fanfiction!.net/s/4427140/1/Th!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She TRULY belongs with Jacob!. She even said so herself that she and Jacob should have had a life together, but Edward came in and ruined it for Jake!. The also compare Edward to a drug for her (drugs are bad!), but Jacob is her sun (which is life-giving and good)!. So, she belongs with Jake!.

But I believe she will probably end up with Edward anyway!. ;__;Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward! He is definitley the better person (lol) and he is unselfish!. He would give Bella whatever she wants just to make her happy, as long as it does not intrude with her safety!.

Jacob would just want Bella so he could rub it in Edward's face that he got the girl and Edward didnt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward!. Obviously!.
It's the whole point of the book!. And Jacob didn't imprint on her!.
also obvious!.

also, i dont need to breathe - shut the fuuuuck up!. that isn't ******** true!. stop posting that shiit everywhere!. NONE of that is going to happen!. NONE OF IT!.
Mike Newton is pretty rad too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because she loves him and cannot live without him, and Jacob hasn't imprinted on her! He thinks their meant to be together, but obviously their not if he hasn't imprinted on her!
And Edward is absolutely perfect for Bella, and has good intentions for her!. :)
I <3 Edward!Www@QuestionHome@Com


1!. He wouldnt let anything touch her
2!. He's not annoying and full of himself like Jacob
3!. He's her soul mate! Seriously did you read the series!?!? Lol
4!. You saw what happened in New Moon, she cant not be with himWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not trying to be a jackass who don't like the books or the ppl that are obsessed with them (because i do like the books) but this has been asked A MILLION TIMES!!! try looking it up
but to answer ur Q Edward is wayyy betterWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. He's not an abusive stalker!.
2!. He's not a borderline rapist!.
3!. He's actually a pretty swell guy!.
Team Mike, FOR THE WIN!

That is the easiest question in the universe!! Obveously edward!. I hate jacob i only think he is cute!. sorta!. but i am dying for breaking dawn to come out!!!! It is going to be so good!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Obvious reasons!.!.
The whole series is about their relationship!.
They're getting married!.
They're perfect for each other!.
They're both happy together!.

Edward, i guess!. Edward would do anything for her!. She and Jacob argue and fight too much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cuz hes perfect for her he treats her so kindly!.!.!.and hes sexy as hell!!!!!.!.!.!.i mean jacobs hot to but hes going to fall for tanya!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Meyer released this morning that Bella and Edward will be togetherWww@QuestionHome@Com


This has been asked way too many times!. I'm reporting this, and for a good reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

appears that everyone is at the cullen house, with a bunch of foreign vampires like an amazonian tribe and an irish coven oh and the denalis, chattin bout how they BEAT UP THE VOLTURI! carlisle is talkin bout how he's prepared to fight them again should they ever try, bc t

they went to far and blah blah blah!.!.!. jacob is there, obviously still alive, and they talk about how the wolves were the biggest reason the volturi backed down

also, jacob brings up the fact that there are TRUE werewolves out there, with the full moon and everything, but idk wtf significance that was

in the epic battle i'm assuming was before, tanya lost a sister!.

bella has obviously become a vampire BUT NOT BEFORE SHE GAVE BIRTH TO A CHILD!.!.!. EDWARDS CHILD WHO IS HALF VAMPIRE AND NAMED NESSI AND APPARENTLY VERY CUTE!. bella's special power that really saved their asses was she has like a love shield (omg lily potter wut) and alice, jasper, esme, and carlisle and edward are all just fine!.

emmett is too but there is no mention of rosalie!.


oh, sue and charlie are now an item!. idk idk i love that

bella drones on about how she and edward will be together forever and ever and ever in their cottage somewhere in the woods around the cullens house

bella reminisces about how edward married her under a haven of flowers or something while she tries to control her shield powers

edward and bella are makin out after puttin their kid to bed!. my sister becomes srsly embarassed bc i made her read it out loud

and the last sentence is something like "and we have forever"Www@QuestionHome@Com