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Position:Home>Books & Authors> On average how long do books stay on the shelves in charity shops?

Question: On average how long do books stay on the shelves in charity shops!?
If I visit my local charity shop once a month, will it mainly be the same books there!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No!. I've volunteered at Oxfam and we cleared everything out every few weeks!. Or rather, first they'd go into the bargain box where they were reduced to about 50p, and then go out!.

There's no use having a load of books that aren't selling on the shelves when there are boxes and boxes waiting in the back with better books in them!. If the shop is any good, they should have new books in!.

I love charity shops-they're fantastic for finding good books for a really cheap price, and often you find very new ones that people have read once and then don't want to read again, so you keep up with what's in the highstreet bookshops!.

Unfortunately there aren't any charity shops where I live now, but my idea of heaven is an oxfam book shop!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some charity shops will have stickers on their products with like (35w which means 35 weeks) meaning how long the stuff has been on the shelf or in the store room!. Books vary though like one charity shop I go in has had the same book for like 4 months but then alot of the stock has changed!. They sell more books than most products from my own experience of working in a charity shop for work experience a couple of years ago!. also dust is a good indicator of how long the books have been on the shelves though the most popular books would probably go quicklyWww@QuestionHome@Com

It all depends on the Manager of the shop and their system of rotating stock!.
Some books depending on the authors do not stay on the shelves for very long but other books may not appeal to buyers so charity shops then place them in a bargain book bin at a reduced price!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's no way to tell that!. Ask the management!.Www@QuestionHome@Com