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Question: What do you think of 3 of my main characters!?
Here are three of my main characters names and about them!.
What do you think!? What can I improve!?

Jaymie Walker

Jaymie Walker is a loud girl who loves to play the drums, be with her friends, music, horses, family and animals!. She is a typical teenager really! Jaymie has blonde/brown hair that is usually died wild colours! Black and pink is what she trys to make it the most!. Jaymie also likes to skateboard!. Jaymie's favorite food is chocolate and pasta!. Jaymie has lots of pets, including: a cat, a dog, fish, a carpet python and she hopes she will soon be able to own a horse!.

Simone Cormier

Simone Cormier is sometimes very bossy!. She likes people to do what she says when she says!. Simone loves to sing and dance!. She hopes to become an actress or a model!. Simone has blonde hair and brown eyes!. She wishes her eyes were blue!. Simone's favorite food was once lasagna, but she cannot eat that anymore as she has to keep her trim figure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeah!.!.!.they sound like typical teenagers!. For me, what I find useful what making up characters is knowing your characters really well - like beyond all the likes and dislikes and stuff!.

Like, their psyche!. For instance, you say that Simone is bossy, right!? Go deeper!. Find out why she's bossy!. Is it because her mum died when she was little and she's the sort of girl who takes charge of everything!? Or maybe she's the daughter of a super-rich couple and she's spoiled!.

I dunno, I just think you should go deeper than that!. Do your characters have dreams for the future!? Ambitions!? What do they hate!? Why do they hate those things!? What about their disposition!? How do they react in certain scenarios!?

Are they introverts!? Or extroverts!? Optimistic!? Or pessimists!?

Oops, now I'm just rambling!. Someone gave me that advice once and I found that it really helped me!. also, like Persi always says, 'Know you character like your best friend!.'

I found a page on the internet, its sort of like a few pages of deatils that you work out about your character!. I found it really useful!. If you want me to send it to you, just send me a message!.

Hope I helped ^_^ Good luck with your storyWww@QuestionHome@Com

These are perfect characters for 12-13 year-olds but if you want to catch the attention of an older audience (14-16) you have to come up with more original characters, who are more human besides being artists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There should be more difference between Jaymie and the last one!. They're both "typical teenagers" and this does not sit well with me!.

Simone looks good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

these are just names!.names suit the characteristics!.
so what's the story about!?this is what makes senseWww@QuestionHome@Com


Your main characters sound fine, though the repetition of 'typical teenager' is not only mundane but a bit scary!. There are no typical teenagers, unless they are the types who always succumb to peer pressure!.!.!. the groupies and wannabes!. Types that have no imagination and only want to be in a clique!.

From your descriptions, I think these girls are at least a bit different, and from your write-up on them, I think you can do better than rewrite books already on the market!. I think you have a good foundation here, if you're experienced at least somewhat in the things your characters like to be and do!.

Good luck with them!.
Keep reading good books!.
Keep writing, using a fresh premise and an active writing voice!.
If you're unsure what an active writing voice is, suggest you follow this link:
http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/English_Gra!.!.!. and in the Content box, hit both 'voice' and 'verbs' to see active and passive forms!. A good writing voice is essential to storytelling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To me there's nothing interesting about typical teenagers!. Doesn't mean they wouldn't be interesting to a typical teenager though!. I'm not a reader of YA fiction, which this probably is!.
But anyway, to really flesh the characters out, you need to look deeper!. Pets and favourite foods do not have much to do with a person's character!.
What are their personal goals!? goals in the story!? passions!? fears!? dreams!? secrets!? values!? beliefs!? shames!? loves!? hates!? virtues!? flaws!? strengths!? weaknesses!? true needs!? comfort mechanisms!? How do they want people to see them!? How do they see themselves!? How do these differ from the way they behave when they're alone!? What do they stand to lose in the story!?
If you answer all these questions, you'll have fully-formed, three-dimensional characters!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com