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Question: Can someone help me on this book report!?
This break I have to read 3 books!. 1 of my selections was the book "Uglies" by Scott Westerfeld!. Great book by the way!. Anyways, on one of the sections it said


-Do you believe what is happening in your book!? why or why not!?
-Can you "suspend your belief"!? Why or why not!?
-Does it relate to any of other book that you have read or film you've viewed!? Why or wh- jk!.

I don't understand the first 2 questions!. Does it mean do you believe if what is happening in your book, is happening in real life!? And the second one, makes NO sense to me at all!. If anyone could help, it would be GREAT!

also, I HAVE to read "Sir, with Love" and then I chose to read Kite Runner!. Anyone have any comments on these books!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first question is asking if you find it realistic or believable, and explain why or why not!.

The second question is asking if you can overlook anything that may make the story seem fake!. For example, if it's a ghost story, would you be able to forget for a moment that ghosts do not exist and believe the premise the author is presenting!. Explain why or why not you would be able to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, that's what the first one's asking!.

The second one assumes you answered "no" to the first question!. It asks whether or not you can enjoy the story, even though it can't actually happen!. You know pigs can't fly, but you accept that they do while your reading so the plot will make sense!. also, if there are any plot holes, do they ruin the book for you, or do you just let them go!?

I've read The Kite Runner, it was great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, if it is after is says realism, then yes, I would suppose it is asking do you believe what is happening in your book!. It is pretty much just what you think, so just put down what you think, and there really is no right or wrong thing you can say, since it is your opinion!. the sec is asking if you can stop your belief!. like if you disbelieved or believed can you stop your belief!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

the second question basically means - are you able to put away your disbelief that what's happening in the book is not real and be absorbed into the story!? human terms: are you sucked into the story!? i think it's pretty similar to the first question - - i think you'd better check on this though, maybe i'm wrong - isn't it supposed to be "suspension of disbelief"!? - apparently if the person below me is right then i'm wrong - don't listen to me too much!.

good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. You are right for the first question!.

2!. If you think it happened " suspend "
that thought, and what if it didn't
happen in the story that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The way that I would interpret this is do you believe everything that the author states as a fact, do you really think that there is a likelyhood of it happening in real life!. The second question is kind of stupid because it is just a belief therefore why would you want to suspend it, you believe what you believe!. But I guess I would take it as do you think that it is a tiny bit possible!. I would just reply that ALMOST anything is possible, this is a crazy world that we live in and as humans we are not able to comprehend the possibility of the impossible!. I think that the instructor is just trying to get you to think, if you put what you think and elaborate as much as possible I doubt you will be penalized!. My best subject was English and I was awesome at BSing and making the teacher think that I knew exactly what they were talking about, do the same thing!. Good luck, hope you get an A!Www@QuestionHome@Com