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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Am I the only one who didn't really like twilight?

Question: Am I the only one who didn't really like twilight!?
I was never really able to get into the books!. I read the first one and was bored!. I have not read any of the other ones!. Why does everyone find them so interesting!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, you're not!. But i really like the books and no, i don't mind that people dislike them!. Everyone has different preference in everything!. I am just annoyed with people that are too OVERLY excited and those haters who are rude to the books, author and fans!.

Everyone has different opinionsWww@QuestionHome@Com

"Why does everyone find them so interesting!?"
It is just about preference!. I am sure some people wouldn't like books that you like - we are all different!. The books aren't that bad!. They get teens reading!. There isn't really anything wrong with them!. Perhaps now that the Harry Potter books are over, that audience has grown up a bit and looked for another fantasy series!. Experiencing a first love etc!. I like the way that I can easily step into the characters shoes!. Bella has a normal life and goes to a boring high school!. So we can believe what is happening!. Then she gets involved with these scary fantastic vampires!. It is exciting!. It's just fun!. I quite liked Twilight!. The way that secrets were revealed was quite exciting and tense!. And Bella is very lucky having a vampire love you so dearly, so people like to read about a great life that they want!. Each to her own :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like twilight but i used to love it ppl just get soo crazy it anoying and ppl expect u to LOVE it its dumb really!.!. and yes people LOVE it cause it takes them away from reaity its like older woman and romance and they just love it cause its cute and popular in most places and if u dont like it u get kicked out of ur click its horible it happend to me i cryed i loved my click soo ppl just have to LOVE it or they r not kool ( yes i know i wrote alot but i ment it and im done now) :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

in a few minutes worth of time im sure you will get tons of answers from people who have felt the same way lol ^!.^

but yeah my mom just finished reading the book the other day and she too found it boring!. I like them personally but im not like in love with them, nor am i one of those crazy obsessed fans so rest assured i will not chew you up for your opinion of the book :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't really know!. I mean, they're good, maybe even great, but not *spectacular!.* I think so many people (mostly teenage girls) like it because Edward's "hot" and he sparkles!. (Which, if you really think about it, is kind of odd!.!.!.!.!.) I agree you, though, to an extent - I've read better!. Much better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no ur not the only one!. many ppl feel this way but return the favor and answer my question pleaszzzzzzzzz!!!

and don't you lit prudes try to report me because this aint no spam!!! and this aint insulting you unless you consider yourself a lit snob!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I despise them, not least because they implant horribly dysfunctional and sexist ideas about what a relationship should be like!.

That, and the crappy YA emotional manipulation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are also haters as well as lovers!. People have different taste in books!. Maybe it's just not your type!. I don't know, people are different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i was bored by the second one!. couldn't really get into itWww@QuestionHome@Com