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Question: Is the book Maximum Ride any good!?
I'm like in the seven chapter of the first book and I have to say that I'm not too interested in it!. Does it get a lot better!?

And does it compare to twilight and harry, I'm a HUGE fan of both!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
there's only one way to find out - read it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read all of them, twilight, harry potter, and maximum ride!. In my personal opinion, Maximum Ride is a GREAT book! Seeing as the chapters are rediculously short, you probably haven't gotten to any good parts by the seventh!. But the book does get very good, and very exciting!. Lots of genetically enhanced fight scenes and fun rescue missions!. And if you get through the first book and like it, be sure to read the second and third!. They are both just as good, (and in my opinion better) than the first!. But if you really like the books, I would stop after the third!. The fourth is good, but nowhere near up to par with its predeccors!. You'd be dissapointed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes the Maximum Ride series are brilliant!.

They relate kind of to Twilight and Harry Potter because of the mythical side of wands, vampires and now 2% hrybrid!.

I loved Maximum Ride!. Keep reading I'd say you'd must likely get more into it as it goes on!. I think i prefered the 2nd or 3rd best!. forget which one!. i think it was the 3rd now!.

The first book usually gets more interesting at the end!.
Continue Reading!!

(5 days till Breaking Dawn) =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Maximum Ride series is wonderful!. However it is not known on as wide of a scale as Twilight and Harry Potter!. But yes, it will get better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

one of my favorite books i have ever read other than the twilight series there very good :DWww@QuestionHome@Com