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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How long does a script have to be in order for you to publish it?

Question: How long does a script have to be in order for you to publish it!?
I'M looking into becoming a writer, IM already working on stories that you mostly all know are about giants like The Colossal Diva starring Maria Kanellis, Queenzilla starring Melina Perez, Shekong starring Shakira, Teenzilla starring Jamie Lynn Spears, and also I write horror, and action like Drive To Survive starring Vin Diesil, Insane Ghost starring Thora Birch!. IM planning on getting these published !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If by script you mean screenplay then:

In general a television or theaterical full length feature is around 120 pages, typed, 12 point Courier or Times New Roman font with one inch margins!. I'm not kidding, they're that picky!. Usually if it goes too far beyond 120 pages they feel its too long!.

also, you don't really "publish" scripts!. You can get them registered at the WGA and you can get yourself an agent or go pester producers yourself (harder to do)!.

Good luck, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That depends op what it is a script for!. TV, movie short, etc!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com